Any of these solutions to choose

Tips for pregnant foods to maintain sexual health for men

Tips for pregnant foods to maintain sexual health for men

Tips for pregnant5 foods to maintain sexual health for men
Tips for pregnant5 foods to maintain sexual health for men

Healthy eating has a significant role in maintaining the sexual capacity of men in marriage and in the following article to know the top 5 foods that increase male sexual weekday slats to erection problems and impotence naturally

The Islands

Contains the amount of vitamins supplied by more than six times the daily need of vitamin A and potassium, manganese, phosphorus, magnesium, sulfur, calcium, and it raises the fertility of male reproductive cells, strengthens the reproductive cells in the ovary fertility and increases the body's resistance and helps in the treatment of sexual disorders and improves the efficiency of the marriage relationship to drink a juice, a major role in the treatment of menstrual disorders in women.


Green lettuce leaves, which help to increase the efficiency of the marital relationship, and Uploaded for fertility, and proved scientifically that contains quantities of vitamin E which is referred to as "fertility hormone, it is of great importance in the formation of sperm that swim in sperm deficiency causing reproductive cells killed in Bronchitis.
The best foods to eliminate impotence for men


The chocolate article "Andaman", one of the most important substances responsible for the stimulation of the marital relationship, and raises the level of male hormones and increases blood flow, with the supply of the body with the necessary energy and is responsible for raising the status of the body and increase the efficiency of the brain.


Join the watermelon to the list of fruits of the positive impact on the marital relationship, such as pomegranate, strawberry and others, all of which are in significant and frequent phenomenon, linked by "nitrite oxide", stimulation of manufacture in the body naturally, rather than from an external source such as the "Viagra".
The causes of impotence for men


The natural nutrients in bananas makes him more like a pill "Viagra" natural increase marital relationship, the banana is the best tonics that help relax the physical in men.

Tips for pregnant,Methods of treating premature ejaculation

Tips for pregnant,Methods of treating premature ejaculation

Tips for pregnant,Methods of treating premature ejaculation
Tips for pregnant,Methods of treating premature ejaculation

What are the causes of premature ejaculation, rapid ejaculation affect the marital relationship, and what are the best ways to cure premature ejaculation?
The problem of premature ejaculation problem in men and may affect the psychological well-being of men and women, met with your health today with Dr. Ahmed Found, consultant of Alzheimer to talk about the main causes of premature ejaculation and physiotherapy.

What causes premature ejaculation?

First ejaculation is the discharge of the seminal vesicle and out of semen from the penis and practical the sexual intercourse between spouses through which semen exit occurs in between 2-10 minutes, the liquid quickly سولء out when touching the genitals or before the woman called premature ejaculation or rapid ejaculation.
The main causes of premature ejaculation is unclear but which psychological factors such as anxiety and stress and feeling men entered the race with the wife or impotency for men Impotency or organic disease such as hormonal changes, lack of male men hormone or thyroid disorders or diseases of the prostate.

In addition to men's erectile dysfunction leading to failure to maintain erection for long enough, whether as a result of psychological reasons or certain diseases such as diabetes, pressure and other things that lead to the failure of erection and ejaculation.

Tips for pregnant,Methods of treating premature ejaculation

How to cure premature ejaculation?

Cure premature ejaculation is belletrist two way altos and psychotherapy and the treatment of the cause of premature ejaculation and treatment, in addition to treatment with drugs and herbs and of modern methods of treating premature ejaculation.

The compression method and times
A move to a stop and start again because after a spouse will stop pressing on the base of the penis at the same time the man to ejaculate. The idea is to reduce an erection through pressure and give a chance to the man right there again. Just as with a stop and start, your partner must do so on its own first, and then learn to control, you can practice the technique with him.

Keel exercises
Keel exercises are not just for women. There is no better way to strengthen the pelvic area to create strong streptococcus muscle (muscle the pubic area, and what through the anus and testicle, called the pc muscle), which can help to control ejaculation. The easiest way for him to find these muscles is to see if you can stop the flow of urine when going to the bathroom. This is the PC muscle he uses to do so. When it finds and feel them, you will need a lot of exercise to find out the exact place to do Keel exercises, the guy works for muscle contraction and Shauna PC over and over for ten seconds fast. Do three sets, each set is 10 times with break 10 seconds between each set.
Cure premature ejaculation herbal
The hanging of honey a day on an empty stomach help reduce premature ejaculation and cure speed
مهدء drink and is effective to get rid of stress and anxiety and research in treating the problem of premature ejaculation in men
Mixture for the treatment of premature ejaculation
Spoon of honey, cinnamon and cumin to a cup of warm camel milk daily help quickly cure ejaculation
Algiers & asparagus
Using a combination of ginseng leaf and asparagus to sperm and fertility and cure premature ejaculation quickly.

Mixing Sadr honey and ginger to cure premature ejaculation
100 grams of Sadr honey is natural and pure
100 grams of ginger powder
100 grams of jelly
100 grams Church fallout crunched
Mix all ingredients and the teaspoon of mixture on an empty stomach every day and you will be rid of premature ejaculation permanently during the week
He also:
How to overcome premature ejaculation in 5 steps
Cure premature ejaculation in men
Cure premature ejaculation when a man with herbs
Ginger is stronger than Viagra to treat erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation

Tips for pregnant,Methods of treating premature ejaculation

Tips for pregnant,Ten reasons for late menstrual cycle

Tips for pregnant,Ten reasons for late menstrual cycle

Delayed menstrual pains many ladies and increasing tension with, unless they wait for the pregnancy, am I pregnant?
Pregnancy is or what the mind to be the cause of delayed menstruation, but if pregnancy is the only reason gold PMS? Of course we offer you in your health today "more than 10 reasons for late menstrual period or menstrual disorders.


Stress adversely affects many things daily, Valhalla suffering from tension and stress affects that the lack of certain hormones (Gnash) that lead to delayed ovulation and the menstrual cycle, so you should avoid tension when attacker your session.

Weight gain

Weight gain and fat accumulation in the body to store fat hormones which reduces the action of hormones in the body and delay the menstrual cycle and which also affect the occurrence of ovulation, pregnancy, most women gain weight is back to regular again once a healthy diet programs to lose weight.

To hit

Incidence of certain diseases such as no lat cold or general weakness leading to delayed menstrual cycle and the delay timer so that once atavist the body is unable to regulate my period again.

Change the biological clock

Work for long periods of night with irregular sleep leads to disruption of the biological clock that regulates body which affects the body's ability to maintain organization when the menstrual cycle.

Changing medicine

Might change after the medication caused the delay or interruption of your menstrual cycle, so you should tell your doctor about your medications and asked about the side effects of these medicines.

Slim shadily

Underweight in overkill or thin sometimes leads to stop the monthly cock sessions or so-called (gonorrhea) or menopause, you should try to increase the weight by knowing the causes and treatment of slimness that help regular monthly session again you have.

Symptoms of per menopause (Pei-Menopause)
Menopause is the period between fertility and menopause, which occurs some symptoms that precede the permanent disruption of the menstrual cycle, such as a change in dates of arrival and duration of menstrual cycle and changes in blood associated with menstruation, it is possible to keep hydrated by heavy menstrual bleeding and sometimes interrupted for months, the doctor must be increased to describe certain hormones that help to bypass that stage without concern.

Menopause or PMS (Menopause)
Menopause or menopause and it means stop ovulation and the menstrual cycle, menopause is a normal thing when reaching adulthood or that causes some surgeries such as hysterectomy (hysterectomy) or some chemical treatments of some cancers.

Other reasons
PMS often 28 per day for women, but not scale, some women have more than one session possibly 35 days so you should see the project payback period after ovulation occurs two weeks to have your session time.

It's time for pregnancy? What you need to know?

It's time for pregnancy? What you need to know?

It's time for pregnancy? What you need to know?

It's time for pregnancy? What you need to know?

And a list of the best books that recommend Bay

If you believe that it is high time for pregnancy, it is important to maintain weight, avoid drug use, smoking and stay away from hazardous chemicals. It is also recommended to consult a doctor if necessary genetic tests.

Do you think that it is high time for pregnancy?Healthy pregnancies begin before entering it. It actually starts when you think that you are either. Preferably you dedicate some time to learn what you can do to ensure that all your future pregnancies unplanned and healthy.

It's time for pregnancy? What you need to know?

Another may be what you think of it at the moment is to become either. But you must have some objectives with regard to having children (or not to have children), especially if you're having sex. This layout also includes the actions you should take before the time to pregnancy and pregnancy.

Why it is important to maintain health?

Health is the health status of women before they enter the stages of pregnancy. This means knowing how can affect health status and risk factors a woman or her fetus during pregnancy. For example there are certain foods or certain drugs can harm the fetus, even before per Nancy. Certain health problems such as diabetes can also affect pregnancy.
Every woman needs to think of her if you plan to load (and if they were not planning to pregnancy). One reason for this is that almost half of pregnancies are unplanned. Unplanned pregnancy at risk of premature birth and low birth weight. Another reason is that although medical developments and appropriate treatment before birth, one in every eight babies is premature. Researchers are trying to find out why this occurs and prevent premature births. But researchers agree that women must be in good health before pregnancy. Through actions healthy and prevent risks before pregnancy to avoid problems that could affect you or your child in the future.

Time for pregnancy: health!

Women and men need to prepare for pregnancy before you have sex, or at least three months before pregnancy. Actions such as smoking cessation, reach a healthy weight or medications do you use, you should start early. In addition, it is recommended to treat medical problems before pregnancy and make sure it is under control. For conditions such as asthma, diabetes, oral health, excess weight, or epilepsy. You should talk to your doctor about all medicines that you place in addition to the supplements or dietary supplements plant. In addition, you should avoid contact with toxic substances or substances that may cause an inflammation at work or at home.

It is also recommended to talk with specialists in the topic about ways you can improve your overall health, such as access to the desired weight, eating healthy foods, doing fitness exercises regularly, the correct treatment of the teeth and gums, reduce tension, refrain from drinking alcohol, etc. Consultation with a physician should also include details of pregnancy problems or queries concerning the family inheritance that affect health.
Should you be a healthy weight before pregnancy. Weight increase or decrease can cause hazard, and encourages you to problems during pregnancy.

This is a list of the best books that recommend Bay

Here is a selection of useful books, the beginning of pregnancy until the child and the adolescent:
Recommend Bay for all
Best books on pregnancy
Best books about pregnancy and parenting

Tips for pregnant,Best sexual positions to increase the chance of pregnancy

Tips for pregnant,Best sexual positions to increase the chance of pregnancy

Tips for pregnant,Best sexual positions to increase the chance of pregnancy
Tips for pregnant

If you are considering marriage, procreation and the content, you may want to know that there are ways for enhancing the chances of reproduction. Yes, some sexual intercourse situations better than others in ensuring that pregnancy. And here is a quick summary of them:

Many experts question the effectiveness of traditional intercourse position (man on top) provides better opportunities for reproduction, although there is no certain studies to refute or prove the idea, but experts advise changing positions continuously to improve the chances of pregnancy. While this method provides an opportunity to enter the sperm directly into the uterus, but that may not be the best. Ms. can improve the chances of pregnancy in this way by lifting her hips up a little to keep the semen inside the womb as long as possible.

Other positions:

> Enter from the back. "this does not mean, of course, anal sex, but the balalaika and put the pillow under her hands and her Chin while standing behind her man, this provides greater opportunity for the entry of sperm into the uterus and the pregnancy occurs quickly.

Galahad > along-this is the position of the parties particularly ergonomic postures for the newly-weds are also easier on the FAT or partner who complain of back pain. Where sleep accomplice behind or in front of wife, so augmenting its existing portfolio and intercourse.

And a large group of doctors believes that the ladies should lie on the back for nearly a half hour after intercourse with a pillow under the hips, and theory of this situation, is to help the sperm stay more time in cervix and against gravity. Either women with vaginal infections, it is recommended that they lessen the period then they wash the vagina well after every intercourse.

Either the worst conditions for reproduction:

Experts say they advised couples wishing to have children to refrain from intercourse in posture, or stand, or women at the top. Because this goes against the principle of gravity, causing the movement of semen outside the Manumission of the uterus.

And the question baffles everyone, is there a greater chance of having a boy or a girl?

Unfortunately the science there is no preferred position, but the legends and tales of grandmothers offer hearty material for those who are interested, including the presence of women in top increases the chance of conceiving a girl. The fact remains that they try and they test with your soul.

Tips for pregnant,Warnings for pregnant woman:

Tips for pregnant,Warnings for pregnant woman:

Tips for pregnant,Warnings for pregnant woman:
Tips for pregnant,Warnings for pregnant woman:

Consult a physician immediately in the following symptoms:-
1. headaches
2. the blurred eye
3. persistent vomiting
4. lack of urine
5. frequent fainting
6. many of the vaginal secretions or water landings
7. back pain accompanied by a contraction in uterus
8. severe abdominal cramps
9. significant increase in weight
10. lack of fetal movement
11. blood comes out of the vagina would drop in.
12. high temperature
13-form in the legs or feet or hands or face
14. urine is clear or with polyurethane foam or burning sensation during urination

Tips for pregnant,Warnings for pregnant woman:

Tips for pregnant women to treatment without medication:-

There are situations where Ms. some trouble can be treated with physical therapy
Without the use of medication to ensure the safety of the fetus.
1. general weakness: eat 1 tsp honey on an empty stomach and before sleeping with frequent snacks
2. constipation: eat lots of milk with the ring when you sleep and eat vegetables and fresh fruit
3. cramps: eat a cup of mint and anise warm
4. vomiting: eat a piece of dry bread or biscuits in the morning slave before leaving the bed
Headache or cold: eat the lemon juice and tea light
6. high temperature: cold compresses on the work front, head and arms and fluid intake
7. high blood pressure: eat Cup Rochelle in the morning and evening and avoid Allahabad with reduced salt
8. insomnia: eat a spoon of honey when you sleep

General tips in three months:-

1. cut the medication only to consult a physician
2. minimize eating citrus fruits [lemon/orange/pickle/peach/tamarind]
3. minimize caffeine such as tea and coffee making facilities
4. number of meals [4-5] and all but a few meal amount
5. cut travel as possible and if you must, however, avoid off-road
6. let separator [intimate] long [every 4-5 days]
7. do not wear shoes so high heel
8. avoid excessive movement, effort, hard work and anxiety
9. do not wear tight clothing or medical corsets
10. do not wear socks with rubber ring Compressor installed on thigh
11. avoid sitting in places where smokers
12. do not carry such weight zoo [carpets] or heavy pot and do not give weight to such as Rasalhague or a fridge or sofa
13. lack of exercise in the first months
14. it is not recommended to use hair dyes because they contain harmful substances
15. avoid standing for long hours
16. avoid psychological emotions.

Tips for pregnant,Warnings for pregnant woman: