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Tips to get pregnant,Learn the truth about your fertility

Learn the truth about your fertility

Tips to get pregnant,Learn the truth about your fertili
Tips to get pregnant,Learn the truth about your fertili

Tips to get pregnant,Learn the truth about your fertile
There are many sources of information about trying to have a baby, but we do not always know what is right and what is wrong. Watch our videos to find out that some of the "facts" that may take for granted are in fact false ideas, and discover the truth.
(X) flawed: likely to get pregnant at any time of the month.
(✓) Fact: in order to get pregnant, must's ideal intimacy in the days leading up to or close to ovulation. Longer days and three days before ovulation, and the day of ovulation itself, are more days that you are exposed to enrichment. Once out of the egg (usually within one day of ovulation) you can't get pregnant but at the beginning of the next menstrual cycle. So won't you ways that tells you the promise of ovulation if you're trying to load!
(X) flawed: menstrual cycles are always 28 days duration each woman ovulate on day 14.
(✓) Fact: average duration of menstrual cycle is 28 days, but all women have one of their own and different cycles at 50% of the women by 7 days or more 1. Vary the length of menstrual cycles, as well as the timing of ovulation, so it may be difficult to know when your enrichment days.
(X) false idea: will you hold fast if your degree is pursued.
(✓) Fact: it is not recommended to follow the core body temperature for pregnancy, since women's body temperature rises after ovulation by then be too late to increase your chances of pregnancy in the menstrual cycle 2.
(X) false idea: not use hormonal birth control before, so should I just start again.
(✓) Fact: does not necessarily mean your hormones are not affected by hormonal contraceptive drugs that feature in your favor. May be able to organize itself better, but that doesn't mean that you bear quickly. Your fertility can be affected by many factors other than contraception drugs.
(X) false idea: I have loaded on the first baby me easily, so it is supposed to be the next easy pregnancy
(✓) Fact: there is no proven way to knowledge. You will be older and, of course, will be a time to exercise less spontaneity and intimacy you may have another pair-all affect your chances of pregnancy. If you are under 35 years old and you're trying to load General, talk to your doctor (after six months if you are over 35 years old).

(X) flawed: you cannot load during the session
(✓) Fact: If your menstrual cycle is very short, but the menstrual blood is accessible for several days at the beginning of your menstrual cycle, it is possible that you are already at the beginning of the period of fertility before stops menstrual blood.
(X) false idea: stress me from pregnancy and ovulation test would make it worse
(✓) Fact: Although stress is unhealthy at all, but it will not prevent you from pregnancy, but if the cause disorder or sexual life. It has been suggested that using ovulation tests to adjust the date of exercise of the intimacy in the days where you are more likely to ovulate may be cause for concern, but a recent study by doctor Ledger and Clear blue can use these tests does not concern greater than trying to conceive without them. In fact, this study found that the more women by 77% in the group that used the tests were conceived 3.
Remember also that it is natural to start feeling that sex be routine if you're trying to have children for a long time. This is a lot of couples, it doesn't mean there is something wrong in your relationship. Most 
couples understand the practice of intimacy to having a baby might be different.

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