Any of these solutions to choose

tips to increase fertility and get pregnant quickly

tips to increase fertility and get pregnant quickly

tips to increase fertility and get pregnant quickly
tips to increase fertility and get pregnant quickly

What to announce the wedding date so that everyone starts the countdown to create family enjoyed the happy couple with their young child fills their world happy. But the couple enters a concern especially if women in the early months of her marriage, so we offer these important tips that increase fertility and get pregnant quickly. It is generally accepted that sexual intercourse as soon as possible of ovulation definitely helps fertility experts explain that there are other ways could accelerate their husbands through increased fertility.
There are a number of simple measures that might make you, the bride is pregnant as soon as possible, when it comes to ovulation, the ovulation test using the test at home (home ovulation test) can be more accurate than counting days.

1. women: weight control

Contributes to the shortage or overweight delay time of a woman's pregnancy.
William Gibbons, Director of reproductive endocrinology and infertility at the Baylor College of medicine, says: "that weight before pregnancy is often a forgotten factor in fertility, maintain a healthy weight helps in pregnancy."

2. for men: not exposing testes to heat sources. According to the American society for reproductive 

medicine to control temperature does not play a significant role in enhancing fertility but some doctors, though, recommend man survival away from certain sources. For example, sitting in a tub of hot water, the frequency of exposure to high water temperatures in hot tubs or hot baths can affect male fertility.

The new study also found that exposure to radiation from mobile phones can adversely affect the fertility of men, especially when you put a cell phone in the pocket of the pants.

3. for women: take care of drinks.

Drinking too much coffee or too much alcohol impair female fertility.
They drank more than five cups of coffee a day-equivalent to about 500 milligrams of caffeine — leads to lower fertility. We recommend that you commit to one cup of coffee a day only. I would advise women who enjoy coffee or soda consumption is less than 200-250 milligrams of caffeine daily.

4. for men and women: quit smoking!

That smoking cigarettes weakens both the fertility of men and women. Smoking affects how receptive uterus for Ovum. And when men can reduce sperm production and harm of Contractual, and it should be noted that smoking during pregnancy increases the risk of miscarriage.

5. for men and women: they be on one's guard for fertility window

Promoting opportunity for women in pregnancy and fertility window are six days ending on the day of ovulation. And three days before ovulation, we recommend that you do not have intercourse for more than five days so as not to affect adversely the semen. Although the daily intercourse produced the highest pregnancy rate, it may be a lot of pressure for some couples.

6. for men and women: avoid exposure to pesticides and harmful toxins

Exposure to pesticides, especially agricultural, could hurt both men and female fertility. Exposure to some solvents and toxins including those used in printing companies and dry cleaning can adversely affect 
fertility for women.

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