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Tips for pregnant,What are the signs before pregnancy?

 Tips for pregnant,What are the signs before pregnancy
 Tips for pregnant,What are the signs before pregnancy

If you are very careful of your body and rhythm, have you suspect that you are pregnant shortly after fertilization occurs, but many women will not know any early symptoms of pregnancy or before conception to be attached and they fertilized in the uterine wall, and after several days of fertilization. While not notice other women any signs of pregnancy for weeks that begin with the question "am I pregnant?" after a menstrual cycle only. In the following lines showing the first signs of maternal or so-called signs before pregnancy:

-The insatiable desire of food:
Yes, is known but the insatiable desire of food can sometimes be signs before pregnancy. Do not rely on it as a sure symptom (it may be all in your head, or even a reference to certain food deficiency in your body), but if the desire some of the symptoms mentioned on this list, start counting the days since you last period.
-Dark color on the aura surrounding the nipple:
If the circle around dark nipples, perhaps the process of fertilization has been successful, although the issue was also related to hormonal imbalance unrelated to pregnancy or the remnants of a previous load effects.

-Seeing drops of blood or contractions as a result of the implantation of the fertilized egg fastness.
After three days on ovulation, you may descend some blood to the implantation of the egg, which is a light pink spots or Brown, with some contractions because of the implantation of the egg in the uterine lining the Interior. And you might notice some blood also landed on your menstrual cycle.

-Frequent urination:
When the fetus begins to be planted pregnancy hormones hCG secretion may find you tkethrin from entering the bathroom.

-Stress and the desire to sleep:
Do you feel tired? But stress. The high levels of progesterone that makes you feel like you are you trot in the marathon while all I did was go to work. The fatigue of the notable attributes the beginning of pregnancy, although it is not conclusive in itself.

-Breast tenderness and swelling:
If you are pregnant, may become thy breasts like soften, as was the case prior to the arrival of your menstrual cycle, but little more. As your body gets used to the flow of hormones, stubborn pain. Increase breast size if this first pregnancy with blue lines appear on the skin, feeling some pain with the change of color of the nipple so tend to Brown.

-Changes in sense of taste:
You may notice that your sense of taste has changed.Some women say they feel the taste as metal in the mouth, while the other women could not possibly taste of coffee or tea or a specific food they usually they desire him.

-Morning sickness:
If you're lucky, morning sickness won't only pressed a few weeks after fertilization. (A few unlucky not infected overall). But may experience nausea and discomfort. This not only happens in the morning, the nausea associated with pregnancy may be a problem in the morning and at noon or evening.

-Absence of PMS:
If your menstrual cycle regular usually have been delayed, this time, you should do a pregnancy test. The absence of menstrual definite sign of pregnancy among women in fertile age if the regular monthly session.

-Positive pregnancy test result
If you wait at least until the first day of absence of menstruation for a pregnancy test and a blue line appears when you open a test, you are most likely on the way a family. "

We hope to have achieved dreams in pregnancy and per-pregnancy marks proved that we mentioned you had your hopes up ahead.

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