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Tips for pregnant,Best sexual positions to increase the chance of pregnancy

Tips for pregnant,Best sexual positions to increase the chance of pregnancy

Tips for pregnant,Best sexual positions to increase the chance of pregnancy
Tips for pregnant

If you are considering marriage, procreation and the content, you may want to know that there are ways for enhancing the chances of reproduction. Yes, some sexual intercourse situations better than others in ensuring that pregnancy. And here is a quick summary of them:

Many experts question the effectiveness of traditional intercourse position (man on top) provides better opportunities for reproduction, although there is no certain studies to refute or prove the idea, but experts advise changing positions continuously to improve the chances of pregnancy. While this method provides an opportunity to enter the sperm directly into the uterus, but that may not be the best. Ms. can improve the chances of pregnancy in this way by lifting her hips up a little to keep the semen inside the womb as long as possible.

Other positions:

> Enter from the back. "this does not mean, of course, anal sex, but the balalaika and put the pillow under her hands and her Chin while standing behind her man, this provides greater opportunity for the entry of sperm into the uterus and the pregnancy occurs quickly.

Galahad > along-this is the position of the parties particularly ergonomic postures for the newly-weds are also easier on the FAT or partner who complain of back pain. Where sleep accomplice behind or in front of wife, so augmenting its existing portfolio and intercourse.

And a large group of doctors believes that the ladies should lie on the back for nearly a half hour after intercourse with a pillow under the hips, and theory of this situation, is to help the sperm stay more time in cervix and against gravity. Either women with vaginal infections, it is recommended that they lessen the period then they wash the vagina well after every intercourse.

Either the worst conditions for reproduction:

Experts say they advised couples wishing to have children to refrain from intercourse in posture, or stand, or women at the top. Because this goes against the principle of gravity, causing the movement of semen outside the Manumission of the uterus.

And the question baffles everyone, is there a greater chance of having a boy or a girl?

Unfortunately the science there is no preferred position, but the legends and tales of grandmothers offer hearty material for those who are interested, including the presence of women in top increases the chance of conceiving a girl. The fact remains that they try and they test with your soul.

tips to increase fertility and get pregnant quickly

tips to increase fertility and get pregnant quickly

tips to increase fertility and get pregnant quickly
tips to increase fertility and get pregnant quickly

What to announce the wedding date so that everyone starts the countdown to create family enjoyed the happy couple with their young child fills their world happy. But the couple enters a concern especially if women in the early months of her marriage, so we offer these important tips that increase fertility and get pregnant quickly. It is generally accepted that sexual intercourse as soon as possible of ovulation definitely helps fertility experts explain that there are other ways could accelerate their husbands through increased fertility.
There are a number of simple measures that might make you, the bride is pregnant as soon as possible, when it comes to ovulation, the ovulation test using the test at home (home ovulation test) can be more accurate than counting days.

1. women: weight control

Contributes to the shortage or overweight delay time of a woman's pregnancy.
William Gibbons, Director of reproductive endocrinology and infertility at the Baylor College of medicine, says: "that weight before pregnancy is often a forgotten factor in fertility, maintain a healthy weight helps in pregnancy."

2. for men: not exposing testes to heat sources. According to the American society for reproductive 

medicine to control temperature does not play a significant role in enhancing fertility but some doctors, though, recommend man survival away from certain sources. For example, sitting in a tub of hot water, the frequency of exposure to high water temperatures in hot tubs or hot baths can affect male fertility.

The new study also found that exposure to radiation from mobile phones can adversely affect the fertility of men, especially when you put a cell phone in the pocket of the pants.

3. for women: take care of drinks.

Drinking too much coffee or too much alcohol impair female fertility.
They drank more than five cups of coffee a day-equivalent to about 500 milligrams of caffeine — leads to lower fertility. We recommend that you commit to one cup of coffee a day only. I would advise women who enjoy coffee or soda consumption is less than 200-250 milligrams of caffeine daily.

4. for men and women: quit smoking!

That smoking cigarettes weakens both the fertility of men and women. Smoking affects how receptive uterus for Ovum. And when men can reduce sperm production and harm of Contractual, and it should be noted that smoking during pregnancy increases the risk of miscarriage.

5. for men and women: they be on one's guard for fertility window

Promoting opportunity for women in pregnancy and fertility window are six days ending on the day of ovulation. And three days before ovulation, we recommend that you do not have intercourse for more than five days so as not to affect adversely the semen. Although the daily intercourse produced the highest pregnancy rate, it may be a lot of pressure for some couples.

6. for men and women: avoid exposure to pesticides and harmful toxins

Exposure to pesticides, especially agricultural, could hurt both men and female fertility. Exposure to some solvents and toxins including those used in printing companies and dry cleaning can adversely affect 
fertility for women.

Tips for pregnant,How to make a home pregnancy test

Tips for pregnant,How to make a home pregnancy test

Tips for pregnant,How to make a home pregnancy test
Tips for pregnant,How to make a home pregnancy test

Many women stepping up to a home pregnancy test if you feel any symptoms indicate pregnancy, without the knowledge of the accuracy of this test or the right time to do this test, and we will talk here about how to perform a home pregnancy test and everything related to it:

When should a home pregnancy test?

You must wait until the first day of the menstrual cycle at least, maybe more? For that home pregnancy tests measure hormone product after that attach themselves to a fertilized egg in the uterine wall, and it does not appear that the hormone named human chronic namedropping H CG "until 6-12 days after fertilization, and different each time, so the test when your menstrual days possibly due to fast growing.
What is the accuracy of the tests?

These tests are quite the quality in a recent study has shown that these tests are able to diagnose 90% of pregnancies on the first day of absence of menstrual cycle, and had risen to 97% after one week from the first day of absence of menstrual cycle.
For more accurate test results:
1. follow directions for home pregnancy test accurately.
2. use first morning urine test, is characterized by the highest concentration of H CG hormone.
How to make a home pregnancy test:
After the baby starts growing production of H CG hormone, can detect this hormone in your blood and after a short period in Polk, home pregnancy tests can detect H CG in Polk. The test usually requires a test slide TEST or dipsticks STICK in the urine sample, and within a few minutes, the appearance of a point or a line on a H CG test dipsticks in urine or not, if the test is positive, then the pregnancy.
What if the test indicated that I was pregnant?
If the result is positive, make a visit to your doctor to start prenatal care, and ask him to describe vitamins 

during pregnancy.
What if the test indicated that I was pregnant?
If the result is negative, but still the signs and symptoms of pregnancy exists, wait a few days, then the test is performed again or ask for a pregnancy test at a clinic doctor.

Tips for pregnant,How do I know when I'm Ovulating

Tips for pregnant,How do I know when I'm Ovulating!

Tips for pregnant,How do I know when I'm Ovulating!
Tips for pregnant,How do I know when I'm Ovulating!

Some changes in the female body during ovulation make them realize that they go through at this stage, if you want to monitor your body for pregnancy tuned signal that tells you that you are Ovulating workout before three weeks of PMS here are details..

-You will see an increase in vaginal discharge that are liquid and wet in egg whites when approaching Ovulating.

Your desire to become redundant in a conjugal relationship "intercourse".

-Feel very little discomfort in one side of the middle of your abdomen.

-Feel pangs of light at the bottom of your belly.

If passed, these symptoms have become aware that you are Ovulating exercise you can visit your doctor to make sure through testing sonar and took all the information relating to pregnancy.

Tips for pregnant,How do I know when I'm Ovulating!

5 tips for quick and healthy pregnancy

5 tips for quick and healthy pregnancy

5 tips for quick and healthy pregnancy
 tips for quick and healthy pregnancy

After a period of marriage the couple used to apply natural methods to collect a healthy pregnancy and fast, in order to achieve this we offer you 5 tips for healthy and fast download details below..

The first advice for fast and healthy:

Consult your doctor before you decide on a pregnancy, so make sure you are in good health, some things 
may affect your pregnancy, and avoid smoking and alcohol or drugs because they directly affect pregnancy

 and fetal health and safety.

Advice for fast and healthy:
You exercise regularly marital relationship, the best ever for pregnancy exercise marriage three times a week, preferably before fertilizing the egg or during pregnancy to happen, and not wait until the day of ovulation so that the egg in women continue for 24 hours with a lifetime of sperm from three to five days, and science to enjoy conjugal relationship makes pregnancy faster..?!

Tip 3 for fast and healthy:

We often hear that couples prefer marriage relationship in practice today, 14 of the 28 day period, where the egg is ready for insemination of sperm, this somewhat true but differs from woman to woman must be aware.

Tip 4 for fast and healthy:
The exercise of marital status make the sperm inside the womb as long as possible, and is considered a "squat" is best with the need to avoid the situation where the female from the top, this must not promote women after practicing the marital relationship directly and try to relax as much as possible so that the longer sperm inside the uterus.

Advice for fast and healthy:
Maintain a normal weight, overweight, obesity, exacerbate the risk of problems with ovulation, and increase the infection rate of pregnant women with gestational diabetes, or high blood pressure or Cesarean birth, and raise the incidence of bacterial infections, and the large size of the baby and keep calm emotional stress and depression can affect your fertility and delayed conception and exercise because it improves mood and preparing the body for the pressure of pregnancy, they also create an easy birth.

Do you have additional tips for quick and healthy pregnancy?! .. Share the experience.

Tips for pregnant,What is the best time and the status of sexual intercourse for conception

Tips for pregnant,What is the best time and the status of sexual intercourse for conception

Tips for pregnant,What is the best time and the status of sexual intercourse for conception
Tips for pregnant,What is the best time and the status of sexual intercourse for conception

What is the best time and the status of sexual intercourse for conception
Previously we talked about the idea of planning for pregnancy and how many are now turning to interest, therefore we decided to answer some questions on the mind of many wives, especially if they were newly married.

Is there time for intimacy for pregnancy? And what is the best time?

Of course there is time for pregnancy if March couple intimacy before and after it does not yield pregnancy, so doctors recommend spouses to increase practice intimacy between them at a specific time that they so wish in pregnancy, so it is not that they wish to postpone it.

Time is the time of ovulation and beyond two days at most, and often ovulation occurs on day 13 or 14 of the first day of last menstrual period your menstrual cycle that was 26 to 28 days.

During the two days after the egg from the ovary and travels to the Fallopian tubes exist and valid vaccination if any active sperm and proper and not pregnancy occurs, so must the couple wishing to have children exercise rate increase intimacy in those days to increase the likelihood of vaccination egg.
(Read also: 5 things affect your fertility and. ..Know them)
Is there a better position for conception?
The situation is different where, while many feel that no specific status guaranteeing pregnant or increase the chances of it this group of doctors and experts that fluids and secretions are naturally in the vagina and uterus fastidiously creature makes it keeps the sperm after intimacy and that whatever the status of the wife, the husband's sperm as long as it was strong and active they can vaccinate hymen.

While others consider that despite the possibility of pregnancy whatever the status of the spouses during intimacy, some conditions may increase the chances of conception for they keep sperm inside the uterus long enough.

In all cases, the couple sat down to that first group summarizes the conditions for pregnancy in two basic modes that recommended the couple during ovulation, while they change positions on other days as they wish

1-pair from behind

Sleeping wife in the place closest to kneel and put a pillow under her hands and face lift itself, while the man behind her, as many feel it allows the entry of semen.

2. the couple beside each other

According to the couple, who suffers from back pain both men is not curved and whether women may suffer from the weight of the pair as in classic mode. The couple can fuck intimacy with her husband from behind the wife and is a little above it, or we can face each other to sleep on one side and lifted one of her thighs on him.

3-traditional mode

Pair of top and bottom, women can be extended legs or present on his shoulders

What is intimacy?

In any case, both spouses wished to exercise these modes or other, the wife lying on her back and lifted her legs on the cushion to a quarter or a half hour before the advancement of bathing and washing the vagina to allow semen and sperm into the uterus.

No heat time so keep hydrated with cold or infections of the urinary tract, and most only use vaginal shower and wash the genital area have an alkaline SOAP, but fill with warm water and wash with your hands only.
(Read also: important information for those interested in pregnancy)

Is there a definite lack of pregnancy?

There is no place in any case, this is my destiny, my God, but there are two modes reduce the chances of pregnancy, doctors recommend the inevitable days of ovulation and the couple's pregnancy and the status of women to the top and sitting position so that the sitting men and women sit on a face to face or vice verse it makes the womb open down and moves the semen out of the cervix. However can occur after pregnancy.

And is it true that there are positions suitable for having a son or daughter?

Does. There is no scientific idea of it at all, and the probability of being born male or female issue of genetic chromosomes so the sperm of a man filled with both how positive affect on it.

Tips for pregnant,Top 10 ways to enhance fertility in women

Tips for pregnant,Top 10 ways to enhance fertility in women

Tips for pregnant,Top 10 ways to enhance fertility in women
Tips for pregnant,Top 10 ways to enhance fertility in women

Top 10 ways to enhance fertility in women

Research confirms that women's fertility alone is not sufficient for conception, according to the research of physiological and psychological factors play a major role in pregnancy so the doctors website offers fertility dot com 10 ways to boost your fertility and are as follows:

1. monitor your weight:

There is no doubt that fit the weight with height helps safety of fertility where excess accumulation of fat around the uterus resulting in difficulty ovulation and decrease weight naturally affects the amount of secretions of hormones necessary for conception and then reduced the chances of pregnancy, to get appropriate weight recommended specialist obstetrics and Gynecology American Dr. Christopher William every woman should go jogging daily it helps to maintain an appropriate weight and enhance fertility.

2. make sure healthy food:

Usually affect women's fertility food they need to eat a meal rich in vitamin c, iron, zinc, and protein as these metals on occurrence of ovulation in women so it is recommended that all women want to strengthen their fertility to eat more vitamin, while eating a lot of meat, fish, eggs, and vegetables, and for vegetarians can compensate for the lack of acid ammonia in meat by eating protein-rich foods such as rice and tofu.

3. avoid smoking:

Effect of nicotine on not only destroying the eggs of women but also increases the lifetime of the uterus where uterine jobs women have smoked as a factor of 35 posts in the womb when the 42-year-old woman leading to poor soil fertility.
4. check out your genitals:

I VF reproductive cycle begins between 25 to 35 from the first day of the menstrual cycle so that the best time for fertilization is five days before and after the menstrual cycle and the reproductive cycle vary from one woman to another and is therefore difficult to conclude fixed term for fertility suit all women but it depends on the consultation of a physician.

5. stay away from stress:

There is no doubt that the stress and anxiety resulting destruction of fertility among women which revealed German study conducted on 393 women interested in pregnancy where the lack of pregnancy have due to suffering from feelings of frustration resulting in hormonal changes affect fertility.

6. avoid coffee and tea:

Research has shown that there is a close relationship between frequent drinks rich in caffeine and fertility affect ovulation in women resulting in poor fertility, it should be noted that eating a cup of tea and coffee a day does not affect on fertility.

7. do not define the dates:

Some couples to schedule weekly to practice intimacy although that helps women hormone estrogen but affect the degree of fertility and sexual intercourse is recommended every few days per month if you want to get pregnant.

8. treat venereal diseases:

Women often experience some vaginal infections and some types of bacteria and transmitted through toilets and swimming pools, and usually affect the fertility of women so it is advisable to resort to specialist to determine appropriate treatment, the symptoms of these microbes appear in the form of burning and itchy skin with a feeling of pain when having sex.

9. the health of your spouse:

Usually affected by the fertility of the man as affected by a woman's fertility by factors including smoking, dieting the wrong food, so your husband should avoid these things affect the integrity of sperm.

10. pill:

Often taking the contraceptive pill at the beginning of the marriage to the disturbances in the fertilization usually disappears after one month from the date of impact stop taking pills but it differs among some women in attendance on the contraceptive pill, so you should consult a specialist before resorting to any contraceptives so as not to affect the fertility of later.

Tips for pregnant,7 foods to increase fertility in both men and women

Tips for pregnant,7 foods to increase fertility in both men and women

Tips for pregnant,7 foods to increase fertility in both men and women
Tips for pregnant,7 foods to increase fertility in both men and women

The fertility of men and women are affected by many internal and external factors. They are linked to internal factors as psychological stress and anxiety and unrest and external physical associated with body weight or lack of food, lack of knowledge of the beneficial qualities of foods that enhance fertility and increase efficiency.

Stated Dr. Christopher William specialist obstetrics & Gynecology, Faculty of medicine-University of Virginia that lack fertility due to obesity and lack of physical activity, be sure to fit the weight with height helps safety of fertility where excess accumulation of fat around the uterus resulting in difficulty of ovulation.
The weight of the natural hormone secretions affects the amount needed for conception and then reduced the chances of pregnancy, to get appropriate weight recommends Dr. Christopher need daily exercise such as walking, they help maintain proper weight and strengthen fertility.

Food is also a great influence on the fertility of women and men and for this reason the modification and lifestyle changes may improve fertility.

Here is a list of the most important foods to increase fertility in men and women:

And one of the most famous seafood and is number one among the foods that contain zinc, has proved its effectiveness in increasing sexual activity. It also contains amine acids: artistic acid, bipartite, both of which contribute to the increased secretion of testosterone in men and increase progesterone in women, and both the hormones increase the couple's sexual desire.

According to a scientific study conducted at the University of California that benefits the pomegranate can match the benefit of Viagra pill in addressing the problems of erectile dysfunction and impotence. The study found that pomegranate is rich in antioxidants, that eating a cup of Pomegranate juice a day may substitute medication activation doubles for both men and women.
The newspaper revealed the following mail "in a recent study conducted by researchers from the University of Queen Margaret in Edinburgh:" the glass of Pomegranate juice every day for two weeks running a surge in hormone testosterone, more than desire of male and female ".
A recent study reported that Strawberry and similar summer fruits such as cherries and berries of aphrodisiac for both men and women equally. The scientists said that although these fruits do not have direct effect the Viagra, but that eating large amounts of these fruits can result within hours.
Scientists believe that the reason there is such feature strawberries contain high levels of zinc in its seeds, which are commonly eaten with bean, unlike other types of fruit that remains its seeds before consumption. The zinc is more sexual nutrients it keeps testosterone is the key element in the production of sperm, it also helps accelerate processing and creation of a woman's body for sex, the sperm have installed high in zinc.

The best natural source of magnesium. The manga nemeses to stimulate enzymes that produce many hormones in the body. The limited proportion of manganese in the body to some difficulties in pregnancy. Pineapple also contains massive amounts of enzymes that help digestion.

Black nightshade
A recent study of Egyptian Eggplant black eliminates the chill and Ed and increase sexual arousal in men and women. Because it contains large amounts of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, which play a major role in stimulating secretions of male and female hormones, such as testosterone and estrogen, the female hormone that are the main source of increased capacity and sexual motivation.
Dr. She was Egyptian hopes Ra khan expert food science that Eggplant increases sexual desire in men and women, as the fiber of this plant works to stimulate excitement centers in the brain.

It is a fruit with a high nutritional value, which contains large amounts of fol i c acid, which helps the metabolism of protein. The avocado contains vitamin B 6, which increases the rate of sexual hormone secretion, as well as the anniversary of that contributes to increased libido in women because the element potassium.