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Tips to get pregnant ,do you plan to have a baby

Tips to get pregnant ,do you plan to have a baby?

Tips to get pregnant ,do you plan to have a baby?

Before you start
If you plan to have a baby, you should you start thinking about your health and lifestyle once they are planning at the beginning again. You will find below and in the video for more information on the most important things you can do to help you get healthy and successful pregnancy [i]. We recommend that your healthcare practitioner before trying to start.

 Tips to get pregnant ,do you plan to have a baby?

Tips to get pregnant ,do you plan to have a baby?

Stop using contraceptive methods
Just stop with the use of some methods of contraception, such as condoms and female condoms, cover, diaphragm, you will be exposed to enrichment immediately. In some other means, such as the pill and the contraceptive injection, it may take some time until you return to the natural menstrual cycles after stopping use. Although there is no reason that prevents you from starting immediately, but some women prefer to wait a few months before trying to have a baby to restore their turns and prepare their bodies fully.
Frolic acid
Help take few acid to prevent neural tube defects in your baby. For example, in the United Kingdom, the President of the medical staff to deal with women who are planning pregnancy, or pregnant women with frolic acid containing 400 micro grams of frolic acid a day, especially before 3 months of trying to conceive, and during the first 3 months of pregnancy. If you're sticking a healthy diet, you already get some folic acid from certain foods such as breakfast cereals improved bean, vegetables and orange juice, but it remains important to taking the supplements because it is difficult to obtain the required amount of folic acid through diet alone.
Healthy eating
If you eat healthy food prior to pregnancy, you will have all the necessary nutrients to support your child on pregnancy and beyond. Eat regularly and eat balanced meals, and plenty of fruit and vegetables and reduce the intake of food and "fast". Make sure to include diet as follows:
Carbohydrates-whole wheat bread (Brown), pasta, rice, the grains of white cake, biscuit-news
Full fruit and vegetables-try eating five meals a day, put in mind that the more colors of fruits and vegetables, the more nutritious the food.
Protein-you can get the protein you need meat, fish, eggs, cereal and beans.
Milk and dairy-containing significant amounts of calcium, which is important for bone formation
Fat-try to get fat of vegetables such as olive oil or fish oil which like salmon or herring or mackerel
Fitness and health body weight
Pregnancy fatigue your body so it can maintain fitness before pregnancy will help you when the time comes. If you enjoy good physical fitness before pregnancy, it would be easy to stay motivated when you are pregnant. You can help you exercise to improve mood and energy levels, reduce stress, which is a good thing when it comes to pregnancy.
The weight loss may reduce or increase your chances of pregnancy, so the best thing is to try and reach the ideal weight as possible before trying to conceive-the doctor will tell you information about healthy weight.

Tips to get pregnant ,do you plan to have a baby?
Smoking, drugs, and alcohol
Best to avoid smoking, drugs and alcohol while trying to conceive and during pregnancy.
If you are a smoker, the stop smoking will increase your chances of getting a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby. You can avoid secondhand smoke by persuading your spouse also quit.
The alcohol also is not good for your baby-and your chances of pregnancy, so reduce or refrain from it will help you. Cups red wine you eat are not healthy for your baby.
Also if you are taking any of the drugs, you should stop trying to have children when you are pregnant, so that they will not harm your chances of pregnancy and the baby is in good health.
If your spouse is a smoker, or dealing with narcotic drugs, it is also important to reduce the intake of these substances (better to stop it) when trying to load or when you are pregnant. Unlike the secondary effects on you, the cigarettes, drugs and alcohol can adversely affect the quality of the sperm.
Vaccination against rubella
Rubella can affect the fetus. If your pollination against them, visit your doctor before attempting pregnancy and avoid pregnancy for 1 month after the injection.
Things you should be careful to
Under cooked and raw or under cooked meat or shellfish
It may contain salmonella or any other organisms which may cause food poisoning
Unpasteurized dairy products, liver or liver paste and leftover food
These foods may contain listeria, which can lead tom is carriage or birth of Jennie Mitt.
Liver/liver products
They contain high levels of vitamin a, which may be harmful to the fetus should be avoided.
Vitamin supplements that do not contain the words "used with pregnancy".
Vitamins and supplements should be used if written on the box that is safe for use in pregnancy. If the levels of certain vitamins, it is extremely dangerous to the fetus. It is important to take frolic acid as described before, so do you buy as a supplement or complement bought designed specifically for use with the pregnancy.
Be cautious in taking medications
Discuss with your doctor about any medication eat and tell the pharmacist that you are pregnant if you need medication without a prescription. Even some treatments such as nasal sprays anxiously tics congestion 
may include components that should not be addressed in the
Be cautious in taking medications
Discuss with your doctor about any medication eat and tell the pharmacist that you are pregnant if you need medication without a prescription. Even some treatments such as nasal sprays anxiously tics congestion may include components must not be addressed at conception.
Be watchful to Toxo plasma
With unwashed vegetables and meat is cooked well and faces the risk of bail toxin blaze cats-and that may cause abortion or birth of Jennie Mitt or harm to the fetus. So rinse fruits and vegetables and eat cooked food in full only wore gloves when gardening or when emptying the inclusion of cat litter.
What can a husband do to help-how to increase sperm production and increase their
Maintaining fitness and health
Must be active as much as possible, reduces alcohol and stop smoking and healthy diet.
The use of lubricants not harmful to sperm
Make sure that any lubricants you place isn't "pesticide spermicide or is not toxic to sperm. You can buy lubricants "sperm-friendly" manufacturer in particular.
Keep the testicles
Your husband should wear loose underwear and avoid hot showers. Exposing the testes to heat "continuous or prolonged may reduce sperm quality.
Exercise full and active sex life

Studies have shown that the production of sperm DNA quality is better if the man tossing every two days.

Tips to get pregnant ,do you plan to have a baby?

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