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Showing posts with label Sexual health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sexual health. Show all posts

Tips for pregnant,Sexual errors where men annoy women

Tips for pregnant,Sexual errors where men annoy women

Tips for pregnant,Sexual errors where men annoy women
Tips for pregnant,Sexual errors where men annoy women

The sexual relationship affect the psychological well-being of both men and women. And the sexual relationship with steps moving through women and men the instinct and common sense but sometimes some abuses by some because of misconceptions or improper advice.

The men practiced sex somehow annoy his wife. Most things that annoy some women is that men seek sex from his wife, in the sense that the husband should know how you feel the wife wants to have sex through the tip without having to declare it. And may be a meaningful look or touch certain enough to make his wife understand the meaning without having a husband to wife request harassment sex directly.

: Not for routine
 Many women are sex routine without a passion very boring. There is no woman likes to be treated as sex objects for men, so experts advise men to take into account the feelings of women during sex. The wife may also lose the desire to have sex with the husband if the man stops the search for new means of sexual pleasure, the wives feel upset if couples having sex in the same way over the years of marriage.

– Expected behavior of the husband, and the problem starts to appear when moving a long marriage where the wife begins to know and sign all acts that may make them husband and non-renewal during sex. So the scientists advised men to innovation and creativity in the sexual life of the marital relationship is assumed to extend to several years and must not allow boredom to leak to life
– Make an extra effort to look more romantic theme makes it artificial. After a period of marriage marriage relationship may seem routine, and it may seem to the man that sex has become taken for granted, but it's different for the wife. They need to feel the warmth and tenderness of men and feel every day is romance and longing for his wife. So the couples to do some simple actions that make the wife feels that she still ranks high on the lives of the pair, was left with an interesting observation before going out to work, or to fill the place with candles to be surprised to wait on her return from abroad, or buying her favorite chocolates. Just need a simple gestures make activity and romantic life.

: Yes for excitement
– That women feel upset if the husband frequently speak or return the same talk during sex. Men are advised to change the sentences used occasionally to break the boredom and routine. The other problem in this context is that the pair may be the type who does not speak once during sex, this silence may push his wife to lose the desire to have sex with the spouse ormay result in the loss of sexual arousal in women.

– The wife may feel bored if sex with husband in the same place for too long, the solution to this problem is simple, the rooms in the House and multiple options open.

: Not for selfish
-Thinking pair just the same intimate during the practice. He said American specialists in the study of them that many men tend to selfishness of intimate intercourse with the wife. That is thinking and doesn't care that women have the right to enjoy sex and reach orgasm like men. The study said: "women may take such action for a while, but inevitably will be or become disturbed and saddened if repeated continuously."

-Many men don't understand the emotions and feelings of women, female condoms, to practice intimacy coarsely, forgetting that women don't like it, they want to be intimate with intercourse sensations. So the man that gives to his wife to trigger female passion.

 As a man it's a shame that reflect women's sex cal desires. It is the serious errors in the marital relationship that man believes that he is the boss and his wife are subordinate, have no opinion and no say in decisions on everyday life. This applies to intimate intercourse, too.

– Do not show men of his emotions and his feelings for his wife, not in ordinary daily life and not during intimate intercourse. Here women are just a tool of pleasure in the hands of men. 

Tips for pregnant, 10 benefits of sexual thrill when women

Tips for pregnant, 10 benefits of sexual thrill when women

Tips for pregnant, 10 benefits of sexual thrill when women
Tips for pregnant, 10 benefits of sexual thrill when women

Do you know/know that nearly 70% of women don't reach sexual big thrill during intercourse or sex.

Intercourse is intended to enter the penis into the woman's vagina. And even those 30% of women who have access to the peak or the sexual thrill of during intercourse, they need 10 to 15 minutes of continuous orgasm.

The many scientific studies that shiver of sexual intercourse does not produce great but may be mainly a result of raising the clitoris indirectly caused by moving the skin overlying the clitoris which occurs during sexual intercourse.

Some couples may think that their wives sexually cold because they don't have to shiver through sexual intercourse canonical – enter the penis in the woman's vagina. It may be the access of women to orgasm in intercourse or shiver "alarming" is not easy.
And women need ongoing and direct caresses the clitoris before and during vaginal intercourse, either by the husband or the wife. The clitoris is a sexual organ of women and not the vagina as is common among the vast majority of people.

And when the women, the clitoris as a penis in men. In fact, in the first six weeks of fetal development in the womb, the sexual organs of male and female are completely identical and is in the form known as "extrusion" sexual, and then develops the extrusion to the penis when you mention, and the clitoris when female.

And the sexual thrill when women several benefits:

1. remove all the accumulated pressures and tensions women and feel great satisfaction after reaching this point in the process nationality "point final pleasure".

2. maintain genital in. Where to meet women leads to blood flow in the Member. .. Which gives him great vitality.

3. reduce the risk of heart attack.. The statistics proved the satisfying sexual women less vulnerable to heart attack than others who feel disadvantaged.

4. burning calories in. Regular exercise burns 150 calories and burning sex burn more than 300 price.

5. soften a Gourmand eating as well as the desire of smoking among women smokers.

6. reduce pain.. Reaching women orgasm relieves menstrual pain has result equation uterine contractions and blood running through it. .. Also, the alarming relieves headache pain has disappear completely after a successful sex.

7. relieve pelvic pain.. As blood gathered there as a result of women's sexual desire needs something to go back to the body, which can pay back is to reach women stage of orgasm (not normal practice to alarming).

8. help natural sleep.. Women who reach orgasm sleep stage naturally more. .. Where is the body following the attainment of women orgasm material known as "endorphin's" reduce stress and tension.

9. helping women to increase sexual desire and not alienate from sex if you feel it will be pleasure in practice and not practical.

10. sex strengthens immune: good health means better physical health, since having sex once or twice a week is associated with high levels of antibodies known as immunological a, which can protect human incidence of colds and other infections on the other. The scientists at Wilkes University, located in Wilkes Barre, Pennsylvania, samples of saliva containing immunological any immunological A, 112 people rate their sex. The Group was engaged in sex in a recurring "» – once or twice a week – is the highest level of immunological a, compared to the other three groups, who mentioned that they abstained from sex or that they had sex less than once a week or more often, or three or more times a week.

But what is the meaning of shiver or so-called "alarming"?
Alarming is the top sex and is the third phase of the process and felt by both men and women alike, knows men as libel, although alarming and ejaculation are two different occur at the same time, for women and men going through multiple injuries in four stages during sex.

The first stage is the stage of sexual arousal

And a couple of preliminary caresses such as kissing and touching and massage and hugs and romantic speech and must pay his wife the husband at that point and not to the maximum time it can last for hours and hours and the longer term increased pleasure.

And the second phase is called plateau

And plateau phase vary in their enjoyment of women and men, to women in that stage you must directly touch the clot foreplay frequent for men is undergoing a plateau when penetration.

The third stage is alarming and is sex

Up to that point through continued fondling her clot. Alamogordo is a very nice feeling indescribable where harden all the nerves in the body and feel the contractions women experience. When men talk that stage after penetration and rubbing his penis with the vaginal walls frequently, and here was a guy with the same sense of the beautiful woman and with a alarming out the semen.

The fourth stage is the stage of resolution

The return of the body of nature and feel where both men and women are satisfied and satisfied and fullness and body was numbed and he wants the individual to sleep

Tips for pregnant,Obstetrics-Gynecology

Tips for pregnant,Obstetrics-Gynecology

Tips for pregnant,Obstetrics-Gynecology,
Tips for pregnant,Obstetrics-Gynecology

-Obstetrics: is the science that deals with the health of the reproductive system of women.
-Most women's doctors are also obstetricians.
-To diagnose any disease female, your doctor instead of you information about patient history and clinical examination for you.
-Clinical examination includes inspection manual so the doctor put a hand into the vagina and the other on the abdomen and assess the status of the ovaries, cervix examination is endoscopic IUD placed a piece of metal in the madness of the cervix are evaluated through.
-Then an echo sounder or through the abdomen, depending on the problem of social status and Lady (single or married).
-In Mrs. During her many hormonal changes: breast growth, pregnancy, uterine bleeding, menopause, so you have to give importance to any symptoms they suffer them because during the period of your life may suffer from some gynecological diseases. The following are some of the diseases that have plagued 

Tips to get pregnant,Risks normally confidential

 Tips to get pregnant,Risks normally confidential

 Tips to get pregnant,Risks normally confidential
 Tips to get pregnant,Risks normally confidential

 Tips to get pregnant,Risks normally confidential

Risks normally confidential


That masturbation is normal when a sex naturally available, for different reasons, the most important secret habit that should be invoked when the greatest case of sexual excitement.

Young girls turn after reaching, at the height of their sexuality to masturbate, to discharge sexual energy, some have considered this practice restricted to males, but this is not true, the girls also engage in masturbation, but less, cause the girls are the power instinct have concentrated on the need to satisfy the emotional part and here tend to read ballads of romance and poetry, or follow-up movies and series Romance or hear the songs, and they empty their talk to girlfriends, male, these things May increase desire and excitement they have, and recommend adolescents spend their free time in the exercise and development of talents and skills and not to focus their thoughts on sex, and to jam that connects them to the concept of sex, passion and human life of marriage and reproduction, and to be clear and explains them all scientific methods in their quests for the curiosity may lead them to methods and sexual deviation might be one of them.

Does masturbation really serious?
Wank may serve as animism – action – the body's natural defense and should be resorted to when feeling the excitement, it is not dangerous and don't cause disease and infertility as rumored posted.
Promote other dangers claim it's due to masturbation and these things are not true, and there are no studies have proved this, but some groups promoted such damage in the name of religion, although religion is not only a modern one that is weak warns wank.

When is masturbation dangerous:
We cannot say that masturbation is a serious but, of course, any order or something normal when used frequently and unnatural way in turn becomes abnormal and harmful, they masturbate daily and too much will lead to pain and damage to the reproductive system, so you should not resort to all 3 days a week at the latest.

Tips to get pregnant,What is masturbation

Tips to get pregnant,What is masturbation

Tips to get pregnant,What is masturbation
Tips to get pregnant,What is masturbation

The concept of wank
Know the secret habit as the male or female to satisfy his sexual desires, and fondling and rubbing the genitals with artificial and subjective way different from that practised by both husband and wife.

Starting masturbation with people frequently after puberty, but there are some cases where beginning in childhood and is fairly low, and may continue the habit of the human to the last age, has interrupted her after his marriage or his ability to control his desires.

Many people as a result of their habit and inability to unload their desires with the right partner, but the danger is that the person becomes addicted to the habit is similar to that of drinking wine, since up to that exercised by the way my vigor and frequency constant, and thus affect the mental and physical health.

Damage wank
Masturbation affect negatively on human health the physical, mental, emotional, and if the exercise lead to dire consequences for the owner, and major damage to the practice:
Wasting time through his thinking to the practice.
Thirst to practice so it becomes human addicted to and difficult to get rid of them.
Waste of mind, memory and human focus her practice.
Influence on the sexual relationship with the other partner.
Impact on human health; making lasting anxiety and fatigue and exhaustion as a result of his habit.
Inherent anxiety and distress to its owner as a result of repeated remorse did.
Lack of access to the pleasure and enjoyment with a partner in natural relationship.
Continue to practice even after marriage.
Access the status of homosexuality to unsatisfied desires whatever partner.
Ways to reduce and get rid of masturbation
Education of parents for their children proper education.
Parents control their children permanently, choosing useful programs that can be seen.
Fill free time by reading books and magazines and exercise.
Stay away from porn and sex movies.
The marriage of could it.
Increase social relations and away from the unit

Tips to get pregnant,What is the treatment for low sperm

Tips to get pregnant,What is the treatment for low sperm

Tips to get pregnant,What is the treatment for low sperm
Tips to get pregnant,What is the treatment for low sperm
What is the treatment for low sperm

God created the first man and is the father of Adam from clay and other humans when breathed into the soul, written on manners to spread their offspring through reproduction and ability to reproduce deposited in organs especially when male and female couple, and by mating bin men and women an orgasm begin first phase divided by the Atomic origins of God with his female or have sexual intercourse or have reminded us of our fruitless was the childless women or men, but there are cases of late pregnancy that occur Between spouses and that does not necessarily mean that there is sterility when one or both spouses, there might be a so-called weak or unfortunate sexual when one of the spouses was a low sperm count or poor and is what we will discuss in this topic, what is the sperm and the sperm is impaired.
Is the male sex cell to man, and is present in the semen of men and not fall into the cell and sperm fertilize an egg in women because semen contains millions of sperm but does not fertilize the egg wall penetration only one sperm quality and sperm motility contribute most in a fertilization and Mole pregnancy and childbearing, as causes of Sub fertility in men is the lack of sperm is a cure, of course, there are men of They have quite a few but very high abnormalities in sperm up in rare cases to defects 100% in some men.

Weak sperm and treatment
Divided body the sperm to the head which contains the enzymes the egg wall hacks if fertilization, the sperm's neck where there are chimerical, as well as the central piece of the body the sperm containing energy kinetic industry Center of the sperm and is a target for, and finally the tail which moves the sperm, and the sperm is either weak activity of sperm or poor configuration of the sperm, and the treatment of weak animals, laboratory diagnosis by examining semen and identify the causes of vulnerability is dynamic, biological As distortions and others, through a treatment by examining testis that serves as a factory for sperm where possibly infected men with a varicolored is resolved either surgically or through endoscopy with a varicolored causes the sperm that affect blood returns As a result of frequent urination in venous varicose veins, and the problem can be solved by getting rid of testicular tumors or infections through surgery, for example.

There are ways to treat low sperm if there is no bug in the posts or organic disease, either through food fortification as a filled honey bee pollen and ginseng and bee pollen, and also treatment for low sperm to stop men from alcohol intake and smoking and of course drugs which are a cause of that sperm in men.