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Showing posts with label Are you pregnant?. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Are you pregnant?. Show all posts

It's time for pregnancy? What you need to know?

It's time for pregnancy? What you need to know?

It's time for pregnancy? What you need to know?

It's time for pregnancy? What you need to know?

And a list of the best books that recommend Bay

If you believe that it is high time for pregnancy, it is important to maintain weight, avoid drug use, smoking and stay away from hazardous chemicals. It is also recommended to consult a doctor if necessary genetic tests.

Do you think that it is high time for pregnancy?Healthy pregnancies begin before entering it. It actually starts when you think that you are either. Preferably you dedicate some time to learn what you can do to ensure that all your future pregnancies unplanned and healthy.

It's time for pregnancy? What you need to know?

Another may be what you think of it at the moment is to become either. But you must have some objectives with regard to having children (or not to have children), especially if you're having sex. This layout also includes the actions you should take before the time to pregnancy and pregnancy.

Why it is important to maintain health?

Health is the health status of women before they enter the stages of pregnancy. This means knowing how can affect health status and risk factors a woman or her fetus during pregnancy. For example there are certain foods or certain drugs can harm the fetus, even before per Nancy. Certain health problems such as diabetes can also affect pregnancy.
Every woman needs to think of her if you plan to load (and if they were not planning to pregnancy). One reason for this is that almost half of pregnancies are unplanned. Unplanned pregnancy at risk of premature birth and low birth weight. Another reason is that although medical developments and appropriate treatment before birth, one in every eight babies is premature. Researchers are trying to find out why this occurs and prevent premature births. But researchers agree that women must be in good health before pregnancy. Through actions healthy and prevent risks before pregnancy to avoid problems that could affect you or your child in the future.

Time for pregnancy: health!

Women and men need to prepare for pregnancy before you have sex, or at least three months before pregnancy. Actions such as smoking cessation, reach a healthy weight or medications do you use, you should start early. In addition, it is recommended to treat medical problems before pregnancy and make sure it is under control. For conditions such as asthma, diabetes, oral health, excess weight, or epilepsy. You should talk to your doctor about all medicines that you place in addition to the supplements or dietary supplements plant. In addition, you should avoid contact with toxic substances or substances that may cause an inflammation at work or at home.

It is also recommended to talk with specialists in the topic about ways you can improve your overall health, such as access to the desired weight, eating healthy foods, doing fitness exercises regularly, the correct treatment of the teeth and gums, reduce tension, refrain from drinking alcohol, etc. Consultation with a physician should also include details of pregnancy problems or queries concerning the family inheritance that affect health.
Should you be a healthy weight before pregnancy. Weight increase or decrease can cause hazard, and encourages you to problems during pregnancy.

This is a list of the best books that recommend Bay

Here is a selection of useful books, the beginning of pregnancy until the child and the adolescent:
Recommend Bay for all
Best books on pregnancy
Best books about pregnancy and parenting

Tips for pregnant,Warnings for pregnant woman:

Tips for pregnant,Warnings for pregnant woman:

Tips for pregnant,Warnings for pregnant woman:
Tips for pregnant,Warnings for pregnant woman:

Consult a physician immediately in the following symptoms:-
1. headaches
2. the blurred eye
3. persistent vomiting
4. lack of urine
5. frequent fainting
6. many of the vaginal secretions or water landings
7. back pain accompanied by a contraction in uterus
8. severe abdominal cramps
9. significant increase in weight
10. lack of fetal movement
11. blood comes out of the vagina would drop in.
12. high temperature
13-form in the legs or feet or hands or face
14. urine is clear or with polyurethane foam or burning sensation during urination

Tips for pregnant,Warnings for pregnant woman:

Tips for pregnant women to treatment without medication:-

There are situations where Ms. some trouble can be treated with physical therapy
Without the use of medication to ensure the safety of the fetus.
1. general weakness: eat 1 tsp honey on an empty stomach and before sleeping with frequent snacks
2. constipation: eat lots of milk with the ring when you sleep and eat vegetables and fresh fruit
3. cramps: eat a cup of mint and anise warm
4. vomiting: eat a piece of dry bread or biscuits in the morning slave before leaving the bed
Headache or cold: eat the lemon juice and tea light
6. high temperature: cold compresses on the work front, head and arms and fluid intake
7. high blood pressure: eat Cup Rochelle in the morning and evening and avoid Allahabad with reduced salt
8. insomnia: eat a spoon of honey when you sleep

General tips in three months:-

1. cut the medication only to consult a physician
2. minimize eating citrus fruits [lemon/orange/pickle/peach/tamarind]
3. minimize caffeine such as tea and coffee making facilities
4. number of meals [4-5] and all but a few meal amount
5. cut travel as possible and if you must, however, avoid off-road
6. let separator [intimate] long [every 4-5 days]
7. do not wear shoes so high heel
8. avoid excessive movement, effort, hard work and anxiety
9. do not wear tight clothing or medical corsets
10. do not wear socks with rubber ring Compressor installed on thigh
11. avoid sitting in places where smokers
12. do not carry such weight zoo [carpets] or heavy pot and do not give weight to such as Rasalhague or a fridge or sofa
13. lack of exercise in the first months
14. it is not recommended to use hair dyes because they contain harmful substances
15. avoid standing for long hours
16. avoid psychological emotions.

Tips for pregnant,Warnings for pregnant woman:

Tips for pregnant,Overdue pregnancy without cause

Tips for pregnant,Overdue pregnancy without cause

Tips for pregnant,Overdue pregnancy without cause
Tips for pregnant,Overdue pregnancy without cause

What delayed pregnancy without apparent reason?

It means quite simply lack the ability to find a medical explanation for delayed pregnancy. And there are two types: a medical diagnosis: first, there is no biological reason for delayed pregnancy with the couple, and the second is a biological reason to delay pregnancy but there is difficulty in diagnosing the reason for

 the lack of an accurate diagnosis yet.

And late pregnancy without apparent reason has been going on for a couple of reproductive and unprecedented in this case called a delayed first pregnancy and may occur to a couple already have children in this case be delayed fast secondary.

Diagnosis of delayed pregnancy without cause:
Diagnosis relies on the exclusion of the basic causes of delayed pregnancy with the couple and the availability of all the following elements:
1. naturally spawning occurs regularly.
2. in the case of normal Fallopian tubes.
3. absence of adhesion in the pelvis.
4. absence of optometrists (optometrists)
5. the husband's semen contains natural number of sperm that are abnormal movement.
6. make sure a normal sexual intercourse and the number of times a month, especially in the period of ovulation in women.
7. any other medical reason may affect pregnancy at any of the spouses.

As I see it for the diagnosis of delayed pregnancy without apparent reason you must do the following:
1. patient history and examination for both spouses
2. make the necessary medical tests for women and for the occurrence of ovulation

3. track ovulation

4. check the husband's semen

5. work of the rays on the uterus and Fallopian tubes.

6. pelvic spectroscopy

Some explanations that lead to delayed pregnancy without apparent reason:

There are some explanations that have been discovered and found to be responsible for delayed pregnancy with no apparent reason, and diagnosed just yet for purposes of scientific research and practical means for diagnosed patients so far and includes the following:
1. defects in the Fallopian tubes:
Fallopian Allah almighty to help move the egg and the sperm and eggs of mating and embryo formation which goes and feeds them for 3-4 days before going down to the uterus. He happens to be an open channel, but it does not work as natural and thus not occur these basic steps for conception.

2. double the efficiency of ova:
The ovaries contain thousands of eggs, but not all are prepared for insemination and embryo formation and so it may be form the egg or size or content of chromosomes abnormal genetic and not pregnancy occurs.

3. turn the body yellow Graph vesicle without exit the egg syndrome LU F
It sometimes occurs during ovulation an egg enclosed in a vesicle G RAF (which contains the egg during the period of its growth and maturity) and naturally this is a vesicle and exit the egg to the Fallopian tube and then turn fue to the so-called yellow body and locking up the egg inside the follicle not spawning at all.

4. post ovulation problems: Abnormal Lu teal Phase
After the egg from the ovary begin phase known as post ovulation and corpus lute um produces progesterone hormone and the processing of the econometric for embryo and her be implanted. Problems may occur in the production of this hormone, less quantity or rate of rise or fall rapidly and therefore cannot econometric from
Reception of the fetus.

5. immune problems:
Immune system created to protect the body from disease and infection but sometimes may become important organ dysfunction and the result is that the body starts attacking its own cells and may occur that the immune system attacks the ovaries in women or in men and sperm attack cause adhesion with sperm and their motility or even death.

6. transmission:
Late pregnancy may be caused by a Microbe known as (Cytoplasm, type v) and the Microbe exists in very small numbers and therefore hard to sit and diagnosed in samples taken from the cervix for analysis.

7. weak sperm:
For pregnancy occurs of the sperm to penetrate the outer shell of the egg and we may see the sperms looks natural in everything, but unable to penetrate this jacket because of the change in the pattern of movement before the arrival of sperm into eggs or because of a lack of enzymes dissolving the egg wall and therefore no inoculation of the egg and then not happen fast.

8. psychological reasons:
The psychological impact is very large to reproduce in women and men, all functions relating to pregnancy brain controlled and thus the psychological or emotional disorder may lead to weakness in the ability of the brain to control these functions, perhaps one of the most important of these reasons is depression, which may reduce the chance of conception substantially.

Tips for pregnant,What are the signs before pregnancy?

 Tips for pregnant,What are the signs before pregnancy
 Tips for pregnant,What are the signs before pregnancy

If you are very careful of your body and rhythm, have you suspect that you are pregnant shortly after fertilization occurs, but many women will not know any early symptoms of pregnancy or before conception to be attached and they fertilized in the uterine wall, and after several days of fertilization. While not notice other women any signs of pregnancy for weeks that begin with the question "am I pregnant?" after a menstrual cycle only. In the following lines showing the first signs of maternal or so-called signs before pregnancy:

-The insatiable desire of food:
Yes, is known but the insatiable desire of food can sometimes be signs before pregnancy. Do not rely on it as a sure symptom (it may be all in your head, or even a reference to certain food deficiency in your body), but if the desire some of the symptoms mentioned on this list, start counting the days since you last period.
-Dark color on the aura surrounding the nipple:
If the circle around dark nipples, perhaps the process of fertilization has been successful, although the issue was also related to hormonal imbalance unrelated to pregnancy or the remnants of a previous load effects.

-Seeing drops of blood or contractions as a result of the implantation of the fertilized egg fastness.
After three days on ovulation, you may descend some blood to the implantation of the egg, which is a light pink spots or Brown, with some contractions because of the implantation of the egg in the uterine lining the Interior. And you might notice some blood also landed on your menstrual cycle.

-Frequent urination:
When the fetus begins to be planted pregnancy hormones hCG secretion may find you tkethrin from entering the bathroom.

-Stress and the desire to sleep:
Do you feel tired? But stress. The high levels of progesterone that makes you feel like you are you trot in the marathon while all I did was go to work. The fatigue of the notable attributes the beginning of pregnancy, although it is not conclusive in itself.

-Breast tenderness and swelling:
If you are pregnant, may become thy breasts like soften, as was the case prior to the arrival of your menstrual cycle, but little more. As your body gets used to the flow of hormones, stubborn pain. Increase breast size if this first pregnancy with blue lines appear on the skin, feeling some pain with the change of color of the nipple so tend to Brown.

-Changes in sense of taste:
You may notice that your sense of taste has changed.Some women say they feel the taste as metal in the mouth, while the other women could not possibly taste of coffee or tea or a specific food they usually they desire him.

-Morning sickness:
If you're lucky, morning sickness won't only pressed a few weeks after fertilization. (A few unlucky not infected overall). But may experience nausea and discomfort. This not only happens in the morning, the nausea associated with pregnancy may be a problem in the morning and at noon or evening.

-Absence of PMS:
If your menstrual cycle regular usually have been delayed, this time, you should do a pregnancy test. The absence of menstrual definite sign of pregnancy among women in fertile age if the regular monthly session.

-Positive pregnancy test result
If you wait at least until the first day of absence of menstruation for a pregnancy test and a blue line appears when you open a test, you are most likely on the way a family. "

We hope to have achieved dreams in pregnancy and per-pregnancy marks proved that we mentioned you had your hopes up ahead.