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Tips for pregnant,How to make a home pregnancy test

Tips for pregnant,How to make a home pregnancy test

Tips for pregnant,How to make a home pregnancy test
Tips for pregnant,How to make a home pregnancy test

Many women stepping up to a home pregnancy test if you feel any symptoms indicate pregnancy, without the knowledge of the accuracy of this test or the right time to do this test, and we will talk here about how to perform a home pregnancy test and everything related to it:

When should a home pregnancy test?

You must wait until the first day of the menstrual cycle at least, maybe more? For that home pregnancy tests measure hormone product after that attach themselves to a fertilized egg in the uterine wall, and it does not appear that the hormone named human chronic namedropping H CG "until 6-12 days after fertilization, and different each time, so the test when your menstrual days possibly due to fast growing.
What is the accuracy of the tests?

These tests are quite the quality in a recent study has shown that these tests are able to diagnose 90% of pregnancies on the first day of absence of menstrual cycle, and had risen to 97% after one week from the first day of absence of menstrual cycle.
For more accurate test results:
1. follow directions for home pregnancy test accurately.
2. use first morning urine test, is characterized by the highest concentration of H CG hormone.
How to make a home pregnancy test:
After the baby starts growing production of H CG hormone, can detect this hormone in your blood and after a short period in Polk, home pregnancy tests can detect H CG in Polk. The test usually requires a test slide TEST or dipsticks STICK in the urine sample, and within a few minutes, the appearance of a point or a line on a H CG test dipsticks in urine or not, if the test is positive, then the pregnancy.
What if the test indicated that I was pregnant?
If the result is positive, make a visit to your doctor to start prenatal care, and ask him to describe vitamins 

during pregnancy.
What if the test indicated that I was pregnant?
If the result is negative, but still the signs and symptoms of pregnancy exists, wait a few days, then the test is performed again or ask for a pregnancy test at a clinic doctor.

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