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Showing posts with label Planning to have a child. Show all posts

Tips to get pregnant,Ways to help pregnancy

 Tips to get pregnant,Ways to help pregnancy

 Tips to get pregnant,Ways to help pregnancy
 Tips to get pregnant,Ways to help pregnancy

Ways to help pregnancy

A marriage to have children for the continuation of human life, but sometimes may occur some problems faced by spouses and children leading to their grief and concern over the permanent inability of reproduction.

Ancient medicine and the best ways for women to follow her pregnancy to happen quickly, and recent studies confirmed the results of the old medicine, and remembered you in this article how best would prefer to follow the pregnancy occurs.

Ways to help pregnancy
Best practice in intercourse, the women sleep on her back, and the man is above it.
Woman lying on her bed after an hour, and would prefer to raise her knees slightly and her legs, and she quickly.
Intercourse during ovulation and ovulation is when most women in the fourteenth day of the menstrual cycle and intercourse within five days after fourteen days.
Eat some cereal anabolism ovulation such as frolic acid, alkaloid.
Drink some herbs that regulates hormones in the body on a daily basis, such as Marjoram, and discarded, and boiling ring; the herbs strengthen reproductive system when the couple.
Taking Palm pollen, honey, milk, Ginger is very useful in the treatment of sexual problems.
Eating cinnamon three times a day; they increase the size of the egg.
Three tablespoons of Sesame daily.
Good nutrition for both spouses, by eating nuts, honey, vitamins, seeds, ground, flax seed mixed with honey, as men increase their fertility when you eat these foods.
Regular exercise, they contribute significantly to the organizing body, and in General, it is recommended to walk at least three times a week.
Treatment of diseases that require going to the doctor, and examination of the members of the couple, especially after the first year of marriage.

Causes of delayed pregnancy
When women
Weakness of the ovaries.
Irregular cycle.
Poly cystic ovaries.
Weakness of the ovaries.
Blockage of the channels of the uterus.
The presence of fibers inside the uterus.
When men
You can detect when the man after examination of semen, and from these reasons:
There is some sexual diseases.
The lack of sperm, or lack of, or limited movement, i.e.(v l z o j p in the semen)
Drinking alcohol.
Testicular exposure to elevated temperature.

Doctors advise couples who delay pregnancy have to resort to IV and IV, especially if treatment is difficult or if one of the spouses or both senior age.

Tips to get pregnant,The fastest way to get pregnant

Tips to get pregnant,The fastest way to get pregnant

Tips to get pregnant,The fastest way to get pregnant
Tips to get pregnant,The fastest way to get pregnant

The fastest way to get pregnant

Motherhood is the greatest secrets of composition of women, and the girl from her childhood and dreamed of the day they become either, and when you grow up and become pregnant, she achieved her dream and feel with her femininity, this innate and natural thing due to the maternal instinct that God in all male and even female animals, and without the passion or the instinct of reproduction of human life continued, and there are some patellae have difficulty in pregnancy , What are the causes of these problems and how can they be treated? What is the fastest way to get pregnant?

 first: way of thinking, it is most important for pregnancy and most influential on him, because thinking is affecting your body and reduces hormonal response to fertilization and pregnancy, and these hormones affecting pregnancy is "estrogen", so the woman wishing to pregnancy to be always thinking positive in pregnancy.

 II: balanced diet, food is important in metabolic processes (processes) in the body, and is important in the formation of hormones, because one of the most important components is the protein, vitamins and minerals are also important for the work of the hormones.

 III: stress, they also affect pregnancy, it affects women's turnout, and this leads to the emergence of harmful substances in the human body that reduce the likelihood of pregnancy.

 IV: weak capacity of male, sometimes there are double that of men, and the weakness may be in sperm count or their mobility or forms, this affects the probability of occurrence, and the man of action necessary tests and address the weaknesses found.

 VA: timing of the pregnancy, the pregnancy and ovulation times times, departure times of the egg from the ovary to the uterus, Fallopian is a place where the sperm and the egg and fertilization, egg and remaining bug is alive in the Fallopian tube and fertilization in 3 days, and these are the best days for intercourse between spouses for conception

 vi: know the days of fertilization, 1. a count: the count from the first day of the menstrual cycle day 14 is the day of ovulation by 99%, and days 12, 13, 15 and 16 are the days of ovulation by 80%

2. sensitive scanner: a device to detect ovulation days.  VII: women's problems, and those problems are the problems of cervical or ovarian or sinusitis, you should disclose when the doctor and address these problems if any.

I wish all the couple want children to get what they want and to bless them with God's righteous children.

Tips to get pregnant,Learn the truth about your fertility

Learn the truth about your fertility

Tips to get pregnant,Learn the truth about your fertili
Tips to get pregnant,Learn the truth about your fertili

Tips to get pregnant,Learn the truth about your fertile
There are many sources of information about trying to have a baby, but we do not always know what is right and what is wrong. Watch our videos to find out that some of the "facts" that may take for granted are in fact false ideas, and discover the truth.
(X) flawed: likely to get pregnant at any time of the month.
(✓) Fact: in order to get pregnant, must's ideal intimacy in the days leading up to or close to ovulation. Longer days and three days before ovulation, and the day of ovulation itself, are more days that you are exposed to enrichment. Once out of the egg (usually within one day of ovulation) you can't get pregnant but at the beginning of the next menstrual cycle. So won't you ways that tells you the promise of ovulation if you're trying to load!
(X) flawed: menstrual cycles are always 28 days duration each woman ovulate on day 14.
(✓) Fact: average duration of menstrual cycle is 28 days, but all women have one of their own and different cycles at 50% of the women by 7 days or more 1. Vary the length of menstrual cycles, as well as the timing of ovulation, so it may be difficult to know when your enrichment days.
(X) false idea: will you hold fast if your degree is pursued.
(✓) Fact: it is not recommended to follow the core body temperature for pregnancy, since women's body temperature rises after ovulation by then be too late to increase your chances of pregnancy in the menstrual cycle 2.
(X) false idea: not use hormonal birth control before, so should I just start again.
(✓) Fact: does not necessarily mean your hormones are not affected by hormonal contraceptive drugs that feature in your favor. May be able to organize itself better, but that doesn't mean that you bear quickly. Your fertility can be affected by many factors other than contraception drugs.
(X) false idea: I have loaded on the first baby me easily, so it is supposed to be the next easy pregnancy
(✓) Fact: there is no proven way to knowledge. You will be older and, of course, will be a time to exercise less spontaneity and intimacy you may have another pair-all affect your chances of pregnancy. If you are under 35 years old and you're trying to load General, talk to your doctor (after six months if you are over 35 years old).

(X) flawed: you cannot load during the session
(✓) Fact: If your menstrual cycle is very short, but the menstrual blood is accessible for several days at the beginning of your menstrual cycle, it is possible that you are already at the beginning of the period of fertility before stops menstrual blood.
(X) false idea: stress me from pregnancy and ovulation test would make it worse
(✓) Fact: Although stress is unhealthy at all, but it will not prevent you from pregnancy, but if the cause disorder or sexual life. It has been suggested that using ovulation tests to adjust the date of exercise of the intimacy in the days where you are more likely to ovulate may be cause for concern, but a recent study by doctor Ledger and Clear blue can use these tests does not concern greater than trying to conceive without them. In fact, this study found that the more women by 77% in the group that used the tests were conceived 3.
Remember also that it is natural to start feeling that sex be routine if you're trying to have children for a long time. This is a lot of couples, it doesn't mean there is something wrong in your relationship. Most 
couples understand the practice of intimacy to having a baby might be different.

Tips to get pregnant,Understanding the menstrual cycle in women, ovulation cycles

Tips to get pregnant,Menstrual cycle

Tips to get pregnant,Understanding the menstrual cycle in women, ovulation cycles
Tips to get pregnant,Understanding the menstrual cycle in women, ovulation cycles

Your menstrual cycle
You probably already know a lot about your menstrual cycle — such as the time and intensity. On this page you will receive a more in-depth look at the women's menstrual cycle and ovulation cycles. Of course there is no website can replace talking to your health care professional, but the purpose is to provide you with a good understanding of the functioning of the whole thing.
Understanding your menstrual cycle
Course duration varies in women, the most common of the session duration ranging from 23 to 35 days. And any change in one menstrual cycle is due probably to the session before ovulation (called phase 1–55). When most women, ranging from the time between ovulation (when an egg from the ovary) and menstruation between 12 to 16 days (the so-called phase affects).
Menstrual cycle
Your course
The first day of the menstrual cycle is the first day of the session (day 1). The session lasts usually between 3 to 7 days. You will probably if you experience pain of the session, it would be in the best form in the first few days of the session. Because the hormones in your body causing the uterus to separate the fine that you configured in the previous menstrual cycle rapidly.
At the beginning of the session is the production of F SH hormone (F SH) by the pituitary gland in the 

brain. It is the main hormone in stimulating the ovaries to produce mature ovum. The follicles are fluid-
filled cavities in the ovaries. Each pod contains a sing lei m mature egg. The F SH hormone (F SH) stimulation of hair follicles to form estrogen and start production. The estrogen level in the lowest level on the first day of the session. Then, begin to increase the growth of the follicles.
And now when the number of follicles in evolution, one of the follicles become dominant and mature the egg inside the follicle grows in size. At the same time, the increased estrogen in your body to increase the thickness of the lining of the uterus by nutrients in the blood. So if you download, you get a fertilized egg to all nutrients and support you need to grow. The high levels of estrogen are linked to the emergence of mucus "keeps the sperm (or to call the scientific name, fertile cervical mucus). And you can see it as thick and slippery secretion may be white in color AC RA. Sperm can swim more easily through mucus and can 
remain alive for several days.

Understanding ovulation cycle


Continue the estrogen level in the body and eventually causing a sudden increase in LH ("LH flow"). This causes the flow in the L H in the dominant follicle rupture and release an egg from the ovary, which mature into the Fallopian tube. This process is known as ovulation.

Many women believe that ovulation is day 14, but today 14 is average, and the ovulation when most women on a different day in the menstrual cycle. The day of ovulation will vary from one session to another. .. Claiming some women feeling tingling when ovulation, but many of them do not feel anything 
at all and there is no other sign indicating ovulation.

After ovulation

Once the egg is released, it moves along the Fallopian tube toward the uterus. The egg can remain alive for 24 hours. The length of the sperm lives much more variable, but usually of 3 to 5 days, so the days preceding ovulation and the day of ovulation itself are the days that you are most exposed to enrichment-which may bear the most likely. Once you ovulate, the follicles to produce another hormone: progesterone.

Progesterone in detrimental thickening to prepare for a fertilized egg. In the meantime, the empty follicle begins inside the ovary is shrinking, but continue to produce progesterone and estrogen production begins. You may have symptoms of tension before menstruation (P MT), such as paper and bulge, 

drowsiness, depression, and irritability at this stage

Prepare for the next session of ...

With the empty follicle shrinkage, if not fertilize the egg, the levels of estrogen and progesterone decrease. Without high levels of hormones that help maintain the lining of the uterus thick configured start decomposition and separate body lining. This is the beginning of the session and the beginning of the next menstrual cycle.

If you fertilize the egg, it has planted itself in the lining of the uterus. This happens after about a week of enrichment.

Once the fertilized egg implants, your body begins producing the hormone of pregnancy, human chronic namedropping (h CG), which will maintain the empty follicle activity. And it continues to produce estrogen and progesterone to prevent the separation of the lining of the uterus, until the placenta (which contains all of the nutrients needed by the fetus) to maintain the pregnancy.

Tips to get pregnant,Understanding the menstrual cycle in women

View full details of menstrual cycle

Tips to get pregnant, Fertility and pregnancy

Tips to get pregnant, Fertility and pregnancy

Tips to get pregnant, Fertility and pregnancy
Tips to get pregnant, Fertility and pregnancy

The importance of correct time
Whether you're thinking about and trying to conceive or if you're trying hard to understand the workings of your body better be very useful. Really could try one out of every two women pregnancy incorrect days in the menstrual cycles of women [i] because they do not have the knowledge that we will participate share her with you here. We've compiled information will help you understand your fertility and ovulation and how this corresponds with the menstrual cycle as a whole.
There are very few days (usually 5 days) in each course that you can take, i.e. the days preceding the session containing the day of ovulation. Therefore know when these days during your cycle is essential if you're trying to have a baby.

What is ovulation?
Ovulation is a process that occurs once each menstruation ion when hormone change to an egg from the ovary. This occurs usually every 12 to 16 days before the beginning of the following session.
There are eggs in the ovaries. During the first part of each menstruation, grow up and mature one ova.
And approaching ovulation, your body produces large amounts of a hormone called estrogen, which causes thickening of the lining of the uterus and helps to create an environment that keeps the sperm.
High estrogen levels are such a sudden increase in another hormone called LH (LH). And so-called flow LH in ovarian mature egg output-this is the process of ovulation.
Ovulation usually occurs after the flow of L H 24 to 36 hours, the flow is therefore a good indicator of the L H peak fertility.
Can enrichment an egg until after 24 hours after ovulation. If it is not fertilized, the uterine lining pavilions (with egg) menstrual cycle begins. And set start new menstrual cycle.
Although the egg that can survive for 24 hours only, but sperm can remain active for up to five days. So it may be surprising to know that women can carry through the intimacy of four to five days before the egg.
Total period fertility "approximately 6 days, taking into account the age of the sperm and the egg.

What is the period of fertility?
"Fertility period" is the period around 6 days during the menstrual cycle and which are likely to carry the practice of intimacy without protection

Understanding your menstrual cycle
As mentioned above, ovulation usually occurs 12 to 16 days before the start of the next session, so the timing of ovulation based on duration of menstrual cycle. The average duration of menstrual cycle is 28 days, but none match the "average" length of sessions vary from one woman to another and from one session to another-in fact differ from 46% of menstrual cycles at a rate of 7 days or more [ii]. So to carry, it is important to practice intimacy in the days where you are exposed to and if you want to know the days are more likely to be enriched, it is important that I learn about your body and your menstrual cycle.
To calculate the duration of menstrual cycle, calculate the number of days from the first day of menstrual bleeding to the day before the revelation of the menstrual blood next.
Menstrual period may vary from one woman to another and from one session to another, usually ranging from 23 to 35 days
If you want to get more in-depth knowledge of what's going on inside your body during menstrual cycle, click to access the session and ovulation.

Tips to get pregnant ,do you plan to have a baby

Tips to get pregnant ,do you plan to have a baby?

Tips to get pregnant ,do you plan to have a baby?

Before you start
If you plan to have a baby, you should you start thinking about your health and lifestyle once they are planning at the beginning again. You will find below and in the video for more information on the most important things you can do to help you get healthy and successful pregnancy [i]. We recommend that your healthcare practitioner before trying to start.

 Tips to get pregnant ,do you plan to have a baby?

Tips to get pregnant ,do you plan to have a baby?

Stop using contraceptive methods
Just stop with the use of some methods of contraception, such as condoms and female condoms, cover, diaphragm, you will be exposed to enrichment immediately. In some other means, such as the pill and the contraceptive injection, it may take some time until you return to the natural menstrual cycles after stopping use. Although there is no reason that prevents you from starting immediately, but some women prefer to wait a few months before trying to have a baby to restore their turns and prepare their bodies fully.
Frolic acid
Help take few acid to prevent neural tube defects in your baby. For example, in the United Kingdom, the President of the medical staff to deal with women who are planning pregnancy, or pregnant women with frolic acid containing 400 micro grams of frolic acid a day, especially before 3 months of trying to conceive, and during the first 3 months of pregnancy. If you're sticking a healthy diet, you already get some folic acid from certain foods such as breakfast cereals improved bean, vegetables and orange juice, but it remains important to taking the supplements because it is difficult to obtain the required amount of folic acid through diet alone.
Healthy eating
If you eat healthy food prior to pregnancy, you will have all the necessary nutrients to support your child on pregnancy and beyond. Eat regularly and eat balanced meals, and plenty of fruit and vegetables and reduce the intake of food and "fast". Make sure to include diet as follows:
Carbohydrates-whole wheat bread (Brown), pasta, rice, the grains of white cake, biscuit-news
Full fruit and vegetables-try eating five meals a day, put in mind that the more colors of fruits and vegetables, the more nutritious the food.
Protein-you can get the protein you need meat, fish, eggs, cereal and beans.
Milk and dairy-containing significant amounts of calcium, which is important for bone formation
Fat-try to get fat of vegetables such as olive oil or fish oil which like salmon or herring or mackerel
Fitness and health body weight
Pregnancy fatigue your body so it can maintain fitness before pregnancy will help you when the time comes. If you enjoy good physical fitness before pregnancy, it would be easy to stay motivated when you are pregnant. You can help you exercise to improve mood and energy levels, reduce stress, which is a good thing when it comes to pregnancy.
The weight loss may reduce or increase your chances of pregnancy, so the best thing is to try and reach the ideal weight as possible before trying to conceive-the doctor will tell you information about healthy weight.

Tips to get pregnant ,do you plan to have a baby?
Smoking, drugs, and alcohol
Best to avoid smoking, drugs and alcohol while trying to conceive and during pregnancy.
If you are a smoker, the stop smoking will increase your chances of getting a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby. You can avoid secondhand smoke by persuading your spouse also quit.
The alcohol also is not good for your baby-and your chances of pregnancy, so reduce or refrain from it will help you. Cups red wine you eat are not healthy for your baby.
Also if you are taking any of the drugs, you should stop trying to have children when you are pregnant, so that they will not harm your chances of pregnancy and the baby is in good health.
If your spouse is a smoker, or dealing with narcotic drugs, it is also important to reduce the intake of these substances (better to stop it) when trying to load or when you are pregnant. Unlike the secondary effects on you, the cigarettes, drugs and alcohol can adversely affect the quality of the sperm.
Vaccination against rubella
Rubella can affect the fetus. If your pollination against them, visit your doctor before attempting pregnancy and avoid pregnancy for 1 month after the injection.
Things you should be careful to
Under cooked and raw or under cooked meat or shellfish
It may contain salmonella or any other organisms which may cause food poisoning
Unpasteurized dairy products, liver or liver paste and leftover food
These foods may contain listeria, which can lead tom is carriage or birth of Jennie Mitt.
Liver/liver products
They contain high levels of vitamin a, which may be harmful to the fetus should be avoided.
Vitamin supplements that do not contain the words "used with pregnancy".
Vitamins and supplements should be used if written on the box that is safe for use in pregnancy. If the levels of certain vitamins, it is extremely dangerous to the fetus. It is important to take frolic acid as described before, so do you buy as a supplement or complement bought designed specifically for use with the pregnancy.
Be cautious in taking medications
Discuss with your doctor about any medication eat and tell the pharmacist that you are pregnant if you need medication without a prescription. Even some treatments such as nasal sprays anxiously tics congestion 
may include components that should not be addressed in the
Be cautious in taking medications
Discuss with your doctor about any medication eat and tell the pharmacist that you are pregnant if you need medication without a prescription. Even some treatments such as nasal sprays anxiously tics congestion may include components must not be addressed at conception.
Be watchful to Toxo plasma
With unwashed vegetables and meat is cooked well and faces the risk of bail toxin blaze cats-and that may cause abortion or birth of Jennie Mitt or harm to the fetus. So rinse fruits and vegetables and eat cooked food in full only wore gloves when gardening or when emptying the inclusion of cat litter.
What can a husband do to help-how to increase sperm production and increase their
Maintaining fitness and health
Must be active as much as possible, reduces alcohol and stop smoking and healthy diet.
The use of lubricants not harmful to sperm
Make sure that any lubricants you place isn't "pesticide spermicide or is not toxic to sperm. You can buy lubricants "sperm-friendly" manufacturer in particular.
Keep the testicles
Your husband should wear loose underwear and avoid hot showers. Exposing the testes to heat "continuous or prolonged may reduce sperm quality.
Exercise full and active sex life

Studies have shown that the production of sperm DNA quality is better if the man tossing every two days.

Tips to get pregnant ,do you plan to have a baby?