Any of these solutions to choose

Tips for pregnant, Good nutrition before pregnancy. Are they necessary?

Tips for pregnant, Good nutrition before pregnancy. Are they necessary

Tips for pregnant, Good nutrition before pregnancy. Are they necessary
Tips for pregnant, Good nutrition before pregnancy. Are they necessary

Balanced food means food that contains all the necessary nutrients for the body in quantities suitable for everyday needs and get the proper nutrition.

There is no food in nature contains all the nutrients, so that the balance of food depends on the integration of a range of food with each other for the purpose of supplementing deficiencies in food value.

Not only need to get the proper nutrition to a particular person or a particular age group, so that this underlines the need for pregnant women to good nutrition, but good nutrition before pregnancy. Is it necessary?!

Says dietitian Dana Brigid, proper nutrition before pregnancy, are more important to women during pregnancy because they are at the stage where her body well and working to build a full inventory of what you'll need in pregnancy and lactation, additional amounts of vitamins and minerals such as calcium and frolic acid deficiency, which may lead to the risk of birth defects in the fetus.

She adds that women's weight before pregnancy is considered a topic of high importance, where the mother of relatively low weight, with prospects of high birth weight low also, even if there is a natural increase in weight during pregnancy.
Also proven that women with high weight more susceptible to health problems associated with pregnancy and weight gain, such as gestational diabetes and high blood pressure, so it is recommended in the healthy and balanced diet is rich in fruits and vegetables, low fat dairy products, as well as the need for more water to get proper nutrition before pregnancy completely.

To enjoy all the features of a healthy pregnancy and the post-natal period and smoothest your baby breastfeeding and good, you must adhere to the above tips and healthy diet and helpful.

Tips for pregnant,Can breastfeeding prevent pregnancy?!

Tips for pregnant,Can breastfeeding prevent pregnancy!

Tips for pregnant,Can breastfeeding prevent pregnancy!
Tips for pregnant,Can breastfeeding prevent pregnancy!

Most women believe that breast-feeding prevented pregnancy, but that common errors that inter-generational without checking their validity because of their usefulness with a number of women as a result of low fertility is normal during this period.

While PMS may not return to nursing only several months after birth, the body releases the first egg after the birth of the first menstrual bleeding, so you won't learn the nursing of ovulation only after the return of menstrual cycle, the greater the number of times the child day more delayed return period after birth, experts believe that the reason for this is due to the fact that breastfeeding inhibit hormone stimulating ovulation.
Tips for pregnant,Can breastfeeding prevent pregnancy!
And you must not use women breastfeeding to prevent pregnancy, because nursing would not learn of ovulation only weeks after the return of menstruation again, if you are sure you do not want the pregnancy while breastfeeding, you first use a contraceptive when you restore your relationship even after birth.

Tips for pregnant,Sex determination before conception of ... Sound scientific methods

Tips for pregnant,Sex determination before conception of ... Sound scientific methods

Tips for pregnant,Sex determination before conception of ... Sound scientific methods
Tips for pregnant,Sex determination before conception of ..

Under the topic of sex determination prior to pregnancy is a lot of couples to special considerations of human nature and beliefs prevailing in communities, as the imposing family balance in terms of the number and species of births.

And most studies dealing with sex determination prior to pregnancy and often subject to scientific basis and which provides that the ruling be through chromosome type, the chromosomal is male and chromosomal and which he mentioned, one of the most important ways to determine sex before pregnancy include:

First: nutrition
To feed women considerable influence in determining the sex of the baby and affect the receptors that are associated with the sperm on the egg wall, and which penetrates the wall and vaccination. As for the Ionic balance of sodium and potassium-calcium, magnesium and vital influence on these receptors resulting in changes to the vehicle wall which in turn affects the attraction of male or female sperm.

As for having a male must focus on food as follows:

-Sodium salt

-Potassium in corn chips such as: (cornflakes)

-Fresh fruits including banana, apricot, grapefruit, watermelon, Orange, cherry and dried fruits.

-Fresh vegetables such as green beans, cauliflower, cornpeas, potatoes, sweet potatoestomatoes either juice or fruit or tomato paste.

-Chicken without the skin, especially the chest, turkeys.

-Dried grains and lentils and white beans.

-Sugar, jelly, jam, rice, white bread, meat and fish.

-Refrain from brown bread.

To have a female must focus on food as follows:

-Of calcium in milk and dairy products and cheese of all kinds.

-White whole wheat bread without salt and yeast and grains such as hazelnut, almond, sunflower, sesame.

-Vegetables, especially leafy ones lettuce, Arugula, albinos, coriander, Mallow.

-Magnesium in bread bran Bran Flakes.

-Peanuts, almonds, peanut butter without salt.

-Eat all fruits except bananas, oranges, cherries, apricots and peaches.

-Eat limited amounts of meat and fish by 125 g/day.

Second: determine the time of intercourse
Where is dependent on the physical properties of sperm with different male to female, the sperm anniversary lightweight and fast-moving, but live a short period of time while the sperm the female heavyweight slow motion live for a longer period of time and therefore, it can determine when ovulation in female relatively interference by creating appropriate timing of intercourse to the result desired sex, if during 3 to 5 days before the revelation of the ovum, which is usually a day 13 14 The menstrual cycle, the embryo is female probably, if intercourse on the day of the descent of the egg which today the 14th and 15th, the baby is likely to be male.

Thirdly: separate the sperm
Separate the sperm chromosomes of masculinity and femininity and artificial injection are after preparing the female body with aphrodisiac medicines for the ovaries to increase the number of eggs and increase the chance of pregnancy and uterine injection with sperm carrying the desired sex after separate in vitro screening method using special tools, depending on the semen in the natural state contains roughly 50 per cent female sperm and 50 percent male sperm with the exception of some anomalies, but this method does not work Strict separation and successful 100 percent the probability of occurrence of the sperm of unwanted sex and the chances of success are limited.

IV: genetic segregation
Any sperm separation based on the contents of the genetic material (DNA) is more accurate than previous methods and results the success of up to 90 per cent if there is a pregnancy.

Sex determination remains before the entire pregnancy is not guaranteed 100% in all cases, the couples try all the methods do not have negative effects on the body.

Tips for pregnant,Aspirin before pregnancy.When to use?

Tips for pregnant,Aspirin before pregnancy.When to use?

Tips for pregnant,Aspirin before pregnancy.When to use?
Tips for pregnant,Aspirin before pregnancy.When to use

Comes to most women after marriage and especially before or after pregnancy in order to avoid the abortion question how sound their avoidance of any damages, where questions about taking aspirin before pregnancy?

In general the studies on aspirin before pregnancy cases and is charged by the use of the necessary doses, aspirin, for example, is used in the following cases:

1. avoid exposure to decrease placental

2. avoid the risk of hypertension after pregnancy

3. avoid convulsions gestational toxicity that causes bloating and the appearance of protein in the urine during pregnancy

4. avoid abortions especially for those already experienced by
It is worth mentioning that the principle of action of aspirin is in its influence on the gastrointestinal-making processes that affect the uterus, how much it increases blood flow to the uterus and tubes connected to him and works to stimulate ovulation, and in the event of pregnancy gives up to 34 weeks at the recommendation of a specialist doctor.

You Ma'am take aspirin pills during the menstrual cycle, but you must first consult the doctor and follow the situation has so that your body for any damage resulting from incorrect use.

Visit your doctor and make sure the benefit of aspirin and how to eat according to the appropriate dose for your condition and specifically before pregnancy.

Tips for pregnant,The causes of infertility and its treatment of women and men

Tips for pregnant,The causes of infertility and its treatment of women and men
Tips for pregnant,The causes of infertility and its treatment of women and men

Causes of delayed pregnancy when women of great concern and fear the presence of barriers to reproduction, and often comes to mind of infertility, with the following simple explanation on the causes of infertility and its treatment:

What is infertility?

Define infertility as the inability to pregnancy after one year of intercourse without using any means to prevent pregnancy.

The causes of infertility and its treatment:
30-50% of cases is because there are some disorders such as:

1. irregular ovulation:
May arise due to age or medical conditions related to the functions of the endocrine glands in the body such as: Poly cystic ovaries and hormonal medication therapy and sometimes surgery to increase the chances of ovulation.

2. blockage of Fallopian tubes:

This situation produces adhesion's resulting from surgery or pelvic infections, and treatment is based on the extent of damage to the ducts may be surgically to open channels or by resorting to IVF.

3. uterine diseases:
These multiple, including congenital adhesion's inside the uterine cavity, and treated according to the nature of the problem.
Also there are 30% of the cases the inability to procreate due to disorders of the male reproductive system that may lead to the lack of enough sperm or poor quality in form and movement or intercourse as a result of certain diseases that reduce erectile dysfunction and other.

In some cases you can try to improve the number and quality of sperm by surgical treatment or medication for certain cases such as varicolored, and could resort to I VF as long as there are the sperm that it has in place.

In any case if the pregnancy was delayed after the first 6 months of marriage without the use of contraceptives are advised to consult your doctor to avoid any consequences.

Tips for pregnant,Analyses before pregnancy.. Prevention for women and fetus

Tips for pregnant,Analyses before pregnancy.. Prevention for women and fetus

Tips for pregnant,Analyses before pregnancy.. Prevention for women and fetus
Tips for pregnant,Analyses before pregnancy.. Prevention for women and fetus

Based on the concept of consulting a doctor before pregnancy medical theory assumes that all women of reproductive age for per-conception analyses to identify the health risks that may suffer, so doctors recommend women who want to have children to undergo such tests before pregnancy occurs 3-6 months.

Before pregnancy tests are divided into two types:

1. blood tests:
These analyses reveal whether a woman infected-faltering (anemia), who needs regular medical follow-up and iron supplementation, these analyses also reveal the number of white blood cells in the blood.

2. analyses of urine:
These analyses reveal whether women have cut protein in the urine, and is an indicator of the risk of infectious diseases or kidney disease, and whether there are high in sugar which leads to irritation of the urinary tract, and these analyses may show also the presence of glucose or sugar in the blood.
Is the need to undergo tests before pregnancy and the following:

-Discovering diseases that some women may suffer

-Know the risks they might face during pregnancy

-The risk to the fetus during pregnancy

Play medical advice and do the analysis plays an important role in women's lives and the life of her unborn child, so it is crucial that the subject of those examinations and follow the doctor's advice, to overcome any obstacles that might be encountered during pregnancy.

Tips for pregnant,Harms and benefits of pills and use

Tips for pregnant,Harms and benefits of pills and use

Tips for pregnant,Harms and benefits of pills and use
Tips for pregnant,Harms and benefits of pills and use

She asks a lot of women who want birth babies or childlessness in a certain period, such as the pill, what are their benefits and detriments and use correctly?!The following details explain you these questions a.

Know the pill is often the preferred method when a lot of women to prevent pregnancy, due to their ease of use and efficiency, however, require a medical evaluation prior to use and take a swab of the cervix and laboratory studies, such as the level of sugar in the blood and fat, so it is necessary to Maghreb your doctor so.

And the pills are divided into two types:

-Grains and hormone-containing "estrogen and progesterone," where you must eat every day on a regular basis, and feature these pills are safe and effective, and reduce the incidence of Bohemian and not to delay the return of fertility after stopping the deal.
-Family planning-hormone pills, which contain a small amount of progesterone only, and nursing are advised to eat often because it does not affect breastfeeding.

On the features and benefits of using the pill, is the following:

-Low rate of ovarian cancer and optometrists and benign breast tumors and cysts, ovarian cysts, pelvic inflammatory disease, iron deficiency Bohemian.

-Helping to control PMS, reduce the quantity and time period, and relieve uterine cramps during menstruation.

With regard to the damage resulting from the use of the pill, it is often the effects incidental catch little women, but they quickly fade after 3-4 months and stopped the damage appears as follows:

-Nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

-Headaches and acne.

-Facial pigmentation due to prolonged use.

-Weight gain.

-Neurological and mood swings.

-May be affected by heart and circulation, especially after the age of 35.

-High blood pressure.

To avoid any damages resulting from the use of birth control pills and pills for women and the nature of her body you Madam, consult your doctor to ensure positive and effective results.

If you experiment with pills.. Share it.