Any of these solutions to choose

Tips for pregnant,6 tips to be ready for reproduction

Tips for pregnant,6 tips to be ready for reproduction

Tips for pregnant,6 tips to be ready for reproduction
Tips for pregnant,6 tips to be ready for reproduction

It seems the world of childhood, filled with spontaneity and innocence at first glance a lot of attractive women who want a sense of motherhood, but in addition to his paper is neat. abuzz with responsibilities that, in being revitalized, or must you have to be ready from Sarah and burden and fatigue, you Madam are ready to discovery through 6 tips to be ready for reproduction:

1. don't think about reproduction as a result of jealousy of one:
Next, your child is not a particular brand parts you're proud with her acquisition, because one of your friends or over has represented, it is in the end you know you responsibilities towards him, and the birth was not a competition, and not all cases are similar and represent a challenge in life, is the Bahasa start-up to found a family.

2. be realistic:
The reproduction itself from big things that can make a difference in women's lives, so you need to see a lady in all respects not only the emotional satisfaction of maternal instinct, you need your husband to be by your side to support you with all the pressure and you must be prepared to pressure after reproduction for at least six months, the child then begins to settle and adapt to the external environment.
3. place the material situation in mind:
The decision to have a baby over decisions which the couple studied well, they need to study a material good it requires many supplies and preparations, must be the economy and standardization in the per dime to ensure all needs of mother and child running towards has relieved them.

4. think about why your job:
If you are a working woman, then you have to think carefully about what your job offer you advantages of maternity leave and health insurance for you and your child, and you can continue to work after childbirth, plus hours of you after you.

5. make sure to get the support of your family:
If your husband loving and who shares your life by a certain image but you need your family and feel their support, a trustworthy friends are to you in good times and bad, this would ease the pressure on you and lift your spirits, because you need in this period a number of tips and especially those who had experience of pregnancy.

6. be ready to restrict your freedom:
If you are the type of person who travels much and cares for the holiday things away from home you must check yourself to decide reproduction it would limit your freedom to some extent, the decision to start a family requires commitment and may drown out the home atmosphere routine somewhat.

Madam, these tips can be thought out very carefully to connect to a proper resolution does not lose the right to your child you are right you feel motherhood, as it helps to organize your life to come.

Tips for pregnant,How do I know when I'm Ovulating

Tips for pregnant,How do I know when I'm Ovulating!

Tips for pregnant,How do I know when I'm Ovulating!
Tips for pregnant,How do I know when I'm Ovulating!

Some changes in the female body during ovulation make them realize that they go through at this stage, if you want to monitor your body for pregnancy tuned signal that tells you that you are Ovulating workout before three weeks of PMS here are details..

-You will see an increase in vaginal discharge that are liquid and wet in egg whites when approaching Ovulating.

Your desire to become redundant in a conjugal relationship "intercourse".

-Feel very little discomfort in one side of the middle of your abdomen.

-Feel pangs of light at the bottom of your belly.

If passed, these symptoms have become aware that you are Ovulating exercise you can visit your doctor to make sure through testing sonar and took all the information relating to pregnancy.

Tips for pregnant,How do I know when I'm Ovulating!

5 tips for quick and healthy pregnancy

5 tips for quick and healthy pregnancy

5 tips for quick and healthy pregnancy
 tips for quick and healthy pregnancy

After a period of marriage the couple used to apply natural methods to collect a healthy pregnancy and fast, in order to achieve this we offer you 5 tips for healthy and fast download details below..

The first advice for fast and healthy:

Consult your doctor before you decide on a pregnancy, so make sure you are in good health, some things 
may affect your pregnancy, and avoid smoking and alcohol or drugs because they directly affect pregnancy

 and fetal health and safety.

Advice for fast and healthy:
You exercise regularly marital relationship, the best ever for pregnancy exercise marriage three times a week, preferably before fertilizing the egg or during pregnancy to happen, and not wait until the day of ovulation so that the egg in women continue for 24 hours with a lifetime of sperm from three to five days, and science to enjoy conjugal relationship makes pregnancy faster..?!

Tip 3 for fast and healthy:

We often hear that couples prefer marriage relationship in practice today, 14 of the 28 day period, where the egg is ready for insemination of sperm, this somewhat true but differs from woman to woman must be aware.

Tip 4 for fast and healthy:
The exercise of marital status make the sperm inside the womb as long as possible, and is considered a "squat" is best with the need to avoid the situation where the female from the top, this must not promote women after practicing the marital relationship directly and try to relax as much as possible so that the longer sperm inside the uterus.

Advice for fast and healthy:
Maintain a normal weight, overweight, obesity, exacerbate the risk of problems with ovulation, and increase the infection rate of pregnant women with gestational diabetes, or high blood pressure or Cesarean birth, and raise the incidence of bacterial infections, and the large size of the baby and keep calm emotional stress and depression can affect your fertility and delayed conception and exercise because it improves mood and preparing the body for the pressure of pregnancy, they also create an easy birth.

Do you have additional tips for quick and healthy pregnancy?! .. Share the experience.

Tips for pregnant,Sexual errors where men annoy women

Tips for pregnant,Sexual errors where men annoy women

Tips for pregnant,Sexual errors where men annoy women
Tips for pregnant,Sexual errors where men annoy women

The sexual relationship affect the psychological well-being of both men and women. And the sexual relationship with steps moving through women and men the instinct and common sense but sometimes some abuses by some because of misconceptions or improper advice.

The men practiced sex somehow annoy his wife. Most things that annoy some women is that men seek sex from his wife, in the sense that the husband should know how you feel the wife wants to have sex through the tip without having to declare it. And may be a meaningful look or touch certain enough to make his wife understand the meaning without having a husband to wife request harassment sex directly.

: Not for routine
 Many women are sex routine without a passion very boring. There is no woman likes to be treated as sex objects for men, so experts advise men to take into account the feelings of women during sex. The wife may also lose the desire to have sex with the husband if the man stops the search for new means of sexual pleasure, the wives feel upset if couples having sex in the same way over the years of marriage.

– Expected behavior of the husband, and the problem starts to appear when moving a long marriage where the wife begins to know and sign all acts that may make them husband and non-renewal during sex. So the scientists advised men to innovation and creativity in the sexual life of the marital relationship is assumed to extend to several years and must not allow boredom to leak to life
– Make an extra effort to look more romantic theme makes it artificial. After a period of marriage marriage relationship may seem routine, and it may seem to the man that sex has become taken for granted, but it's different for the wife. They need to feel the warmth and tenderness of men and feel every day is romance and longing for his wife. So the couples to do some simple actions that make the wife feels that she still ranks high on the lives of the pair, was left with an interesting observation before going out to work, or to fill the place with candles to be surprised to wait on her return from abroad, or buying her favorite chocolates. Just need a simple gestures make activity and romantic life.

: Yes for excitement
– That women feel upset if the husband frequently speak or return the same talk during sex. Men are advised to change the sentences used occasionally to break the boredom and routine. The other problem in this context is that the pair may be the type who does not speak once during sex, this silence may push his wife to lose the desire to have sex with the spouse ormay result in the loss of sexual arousal in women.

– The wife may feel bored if sex with husband in the same place for too long, the solution to this problem is simple, the rooms in the House and multiple options open.

: Not for selfish
-Thinking pair just the same intimate during the practice. He said American specialists in the study of them that many men tend to selfishness of intimate intercourse with the wife. That is thinking and doesn't care that women have the right to enjoy sex and reach orgasm like men. The study said: "women may take such action for a while, but inevitably will be or become disturbed and saddened if repeated continuously."

-Many men don't understand the emotions and feelings of women, female condoms, to practice intimacy coarsely, forgetting that women don't like it, they want to be intimate with intercourse sensations. So the man that gives to his wife to trigger female passion.

 As a man it's a shame that reflect women's sex cal desires. It is the serious errors in the marital relationship that man believes that he is the boss and his wife are subordinate, have no opinion and no say in decisions on everyday life. This applies to intimate intercourse, too.

– Do not show men of his emotions and his feelings for his wife, not in ordinary daily life and not during intimate intercourse. Here women are just a tool of pleasure in the hands of men. 

Tips for pregnant,What is the best time and the status of sexual intercourse for conception

Tips for pregnant,What is the best time and the status of sexual intercourse for conception

Tips for pregnant,What is the best time and the status of sexual intercourse for conception
Tips for pregnant,What is the best time and the status of sexual intercourse for conception

What is the best time and the status of sexual intercourse for conception
Previously we talked about the idea of planning for pregnancy and how many are now turning to interest, therefore we decided to answer some questions on the mind of many wives, especially if they were newly married.

Is there time for intimacy for pregnancy? And what is the best time?

Of course there is time for pregnancy if March couple intimacy before and after it does not yield pregnancy, so doctors recommend spouses to increase practice intimacy between them at a specific time that they so wish in pregnancy, so it is not that they wish to postpone it.

Time is the time of ovulation and beyond two days at most, and often ovulation occurs on day 13 or 14 of the first day of last menstrual period your menstrual cycle that was 26 to 28 days.

During the two days after the egg from the ovary and travels to the Fallopian tubes exist and valid vaccination if any active sperm and proper and not pregnancy occurs, so must the couple wishing to have children exercise rate increase intimacy in those days to increase the likelihood of vaccination egg.
(Read also: 5 things affect your fertility and. ..Know them)
Is there a better position for conception?
The situation is different where, while many feel that no specific status guaranteeing pregnant or increase the chances of it this group of doctors and experts that fluids and secretions are naturally in the vagina and uterus fastidiously creature makes it keeps the sperm after intimacy and that whatever the status of the wife, the husband's sperm as long as it was strong and active they can vaccinate hymen.

While others consider that despite the possibility of pregnancy whatever the status of the spouses during intimacy, some conditions may increase the chances of conception for they keep sperm inside the uterus long enough.

In all cases, the couple sat down to that first group summarizes the conditions for pregnancy in two basic modes that recommended the couple during ovulation, while they change positions on other days as they wish

1-pair from behind

Sleeping wife in the place closest to kneel and put a pillow under her hands and face lift itself, while the man behind her, as many feel it allows the entry of semen.

2. the couple beside each other

According to the couple, who suffers from back pain both men is not curved and whether women may suffer from the weight of the pair as in classic mode. The couple can fuck intimacy with her husband from behind the wife and is a little above it, or we can face each other to sleep on one side and lifted one of her thighs on him.

3-traditional mode

Pair of top and bottom, women can be extended legs or present on his shoulders

What is intimacy?

In any case, both spouses wished to exercise these modes or other, the wife lying on her back and lifted her legs on the cushion to a quarter or a half hour before the advancement of bathing and washing the vagina to allow semen and sperm into the uterus.

No heat time so keep hydrated with cold or infections of the urinary tract, and most only use vaginal shower and wash the genital area have an alkaline SOAP, but fill with warm water and wash with your hands only.
(Read also: important information for those interested in pregnancy)

Is there a definite lack of pregnancy?

There is no place in any case, this is my destiny, my God, but there are two modes reduce the chances of pregnancy, doctors recommend the inevitable days of ovulation and the couple's pregnancy and the status of women to the top and sitting position so that the sitting men and women sit on a face to face or vice verse it makes the womb open down and moves the semen out of the cervix. However can occur after pregnancy.

And is it true that there are positions suitable for having a son or daughter?

Does. There is no scientific idea of it at all, and the probability of being born male or female issue of genetic chromosomes so the sperm of a man filled with both how positive affect on it.

Tips for pregnant, 10 benefits of sexual thrill when women

Tips for pregnant, 10 benefits of sexual thrill when women

Tips for pregnant, 10 benefits of sexual thrill when women
Tips for pregnant, 10 benefits of sexual thrill when women

Do you know/know that nearly 70% of women don't reach sexual big thrill during intercourse or sex.

Intercourse is intended to enter the penis into the woman's vagina. And even those 30% of women who have access to the peak or the sexual thrill of during intercourse, they need 10 to 15 minutes of continuous orgasm.

The many scientific studies that shiver of sexual intercourse does not produce great but may be mainly a result of raising the clitoris indirectly caused by moving the skin overlying the clitoris which occurs during sexual intercourse.

Some couples may think that their wives sexually cold because they don't have to shiver through sexual intercourse canonical – enter the penis in the woman's vagina. It may be the access of women to orgasm in intercourse or shiver "alarming" is not easy.
And women need ongoing and direct caresses the clitoris before and during vaginal intercourse, either by the husband or the wife. The clitoris is a sexual organ of women and not the vagina as is common among the vast majority of people.

And when the women, the clitoris as a penis in men. In fact, in the first six weeks of fetal development in the womb, the sexual organs of male and female are completely identical and is in the form known as "extrusion" sexual, and then develops the extrusion to the penis when you mention, and the clitoris when female.

And the sexual thrill when women several benefits:

1. remove all the accumulated pressures and tensions women and feel great satisfaction after reaching this point in the process nationality "point final pleasure".

2. maintain genital in. Where to meet women leads to blood flow in the Member. .. Which gives him great vitality.

3. reduce the risk of heart attack.. The statistics proved the satisfying sexual women less vulnerable to heart attack than others who feel disadvantaged.

4. burning calories in. Regular exercise burns 150 calories and burning sex burn more than 300 price.

5. soften a Gourmand eating as well as the desire of smoking among women smokers.

6. reduce pain.. Reaching women orgasm relieves menstrual pain has result equation uterine contractions and blood running through it. .. Also, the alarming relieves headache pain has disappear completely after a successful sex.

7. relieve pelvic pain.. As blood gathered there as a result of women's sexual desire needs something to go back to the body, which can pay back is to reach women stage of orgasm (not normal practice to alarming).

8. help natural sleep.. Women who reach orgasm sleep stage naturally more. .. Where is the body following the attainment of women orgasm material known as "endorphin's" reduce stress and tension.

9. helping women to increase sexual desire and not alienate from sex if you feel it will be pleasure in practice and not practical.

10. sex strengthens immune: good health means better physical health, since having sex once or twice a week is associated with high levels of antibodies known as immunological a, which can protect human incidence of colds and other infections on the other. The scientists at Wilkes University, located in Wilkes Barre, Pennsylvania, samples of saliva containing immunological any immunological A, 112 people rate their sex. The Group was engaged in sex in a recurring "» – once or twice a week – is the highest level of immunological a, compared to the other three groups, who mentioned that they abstained from sex or that they had sex less than once a week or more often, or three or more times a week.

But what is the meaning of shiver or so-called "alarming"?
Alarming is the top sex and is the third phase of the process and felt by both men and women alike, knows men as libel, although alarming and ejaculation are two different occur at the same time, for women and men going through multiple injuries in four stages during sex.

The first stage is the stage of sexual arousal

And a couple of preliminary caresses such as kissing and touching and massage and hugs and romantic speech and must pay his wife the husband at that point and not to the maximum time it can last for hours and hours and the longer term increased pleasure.

And the second phase is called plateau

And plateau phase vary in their enjoyment of women and men, to women in that stage you must directly touch the clot foreplay frequent for men is undergoing a plateau when penetration.

The third stage is alarming and is sex

Up to that point through continued fondling her clot. Alamogordo is a very nice feeling indescribable where harden all the nerves in the body and feel the contractions women experience. When men talk that stage after penetration and rubbing his penis with the vaginal walls frequently, and here was a guy with the same sense of the beautiful woman and with a alarming out the semen.

The fourth stage is the stage of resolution

The return of the body of nature and feel where both men and women are satisfied and satisfied and fullness and body was numbed and he wants the individual to sleep