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Tips for pregnant,Top 10 ways to enhance fertility in women

Tips for pregnant,Top 10 ways to enhance fertility in women

Tips for pregnant,Top 10 ways to enhance fertility in women
Tips for pregnant,Top 10 ways to enhance fertility in women

Top 10 ways to enhance fertility in women

Research confirms that women's fertility alone is not sufficient for conception, according to the research of physiological and psychological factors play a major role in pregnancy so the doctors website offers fertility dot com 10 ways to boost your fertility and are as follows:

1. monitor your weight:

There is no doubt that fit the weight with height helps safety of fertility where excess accumulation of fat around the uterus resulting in difficulty ovulation and decrease weight naturally affects the amount of secretions of hormones necessary for conception and then reduced the chances of pregnancy, to get appropriate weight recommended specialist obstetrics and Gynecology American Dr. Christopher William every woman should go jogging daily it helps to maintain an appropriate weight and enhance fertility.

2. make sure healthy food:

Usually affect women's fertility food they need to eat a meal rich in vitamin c, iron, zinc, and protein as these metals on occurrence of ovulation in women so it is recommended that all women want to strengthen their fertility to eat more vitamin, while eating a lot of meat, fish, eggs, and vegetables, and for vegetarians can compensate for the lack of acid ammonia in meat by eating protein-rich foods such as rice and tofu.

3. avoid smoking:

Effect of nicotine on not only destroying the eggs of women but also increases the lifetime of the uterus where uterine jobs women have smoked as a factor of 35 posts in the womb when the 42-year-old woman leading to poor soil fertility.
4. check out your genitals:

I VF reproductive cycle begins between 25 to 35 from the first day of the menstrual cycle so that the best time for fertilization is five days before and after the menstrual cycle and the reproductive cycle vary from one woman to another and is therefore difficult to conclude fixed term for fertility suit all women but it depends on the consultation of a physician.

5. stay away from stress:

There is no doubt that the stress and anxiety resulting destruction of fertility among women which revealed German study conducted on 393 women interested in pregnancy where the lack of pregnancy have due to suffering from feelings of frustration resulting in hormonal changes affect fertility.

6. avoid coffee and tea:

Research has shown that there is a close relationship between frequent drinks rich in caffeine and fertility affect ovulation in women resulting in poor fertility, it should be noted that eating a cup of tea and coffee a day does not affect on fertility.

7. do not define the dates:

Some couples to schedule weekly to practice intimacy although that helps women hormone estrogen but affect the degree of fertility and sexual intercourse is recommended every few days per month if you want to get pregnant.

8. treat venereal diseases:

Women often experience some vaginal infections and some types of bacteria and transmitted through toilets and swimming pools, and usually affect the fertility of women so it is advisable to resort to specialist to determine appropriate treatment, the symptoms of these microbes appear in the form of burning and itchy skin with a feeling of pain when having sex.

9. the health of your spouse:

Usually affected by the fertility of the man as affected by a woman's fertility by factors including smoking, dieting the wrong food, so your husband should avoid these things affect the integrity of sperm.

10. pill:

Often taking the contraceptive pill at the beginning of the marriage to the disturbances in the fertilization usually disappears after one month from the date of impact stop taking pills but it differs among some women in attendance on the contraceptive pill, so you should consult a specialist before resorting to any contraceptives so as not to affect the fertility of later.

Tips for pregnant,7 foods to increase fertility in both men and women

Tips for pregnant,7 foods to increase fertility in both men and women

Tips for pregnant,7 foods to increase fertility in both men and women
Tips for pregnant,7 foods to increase fertility in both men and women

The fertility of men and women are affected by many internal and external factors. They are linked to internal factors as psychological stress and anxiety and unrest and external physical associated with body weight or lack of food, lack of knowledge of the beneficial qualities of foods that enhance fertility and increase efficiency.

Stated Dr. Christopher William specialist obstetrics & Gynecology, Faculty of medicine-University of Virginia that lack fertility due to obesity and lack of physical activity, be sure to fit the weight with height helps safety of fertility where excess accumulation of fat around the uterus resulting in difficulty of ovulation.
The weight of the natural hormone secretions affects the amount needed for conception and then reduced the chances of pregnancy, to get appropriate weight recommends Dr. Christopher need daily exercise such as walking, they help maintain proper weight and strengthen fertility.

Food is also a great influence on the fertility of women and men and for this reason the modification and lifestyle changes may improve fertility.

Here is a list of the most important foods to increase fertility in men and women:

And one of the most famous seafood and is number one among the foods that contain zinc, has proved its effectiveness in increasing sexual activity. It also contains amine acids: artistic acid, bipartite, both of which contribute to the increased secretion of testosterone in men and increase progesterone in women, and both the hormones increase the couple's sexual desire.

According to a scientific study conducted at the University of California that benefits the pomegranate can match the benefit of Viagra pill in addressing the problems of erectile dysfunction and impotence. The study found that pomegranate is rich in antioxidants, that eating a cup of Pomegranate juice a day may substitute medication activation doubles for both men and women.
The newspaper revealed the following mail "in a recent study conducted by researchers from the University of Queen Margaret in Edinburgh:" the glass of Pomegranate juice every day for two weeks running a surge in hormone testosterone, more than desire of male and female ".
A recent study reported that Strawberry and similar summer fruits such as cherries and berries of aphrodisiac for both men and women equally. The scientists said that although these fruits do not have direct effect the Viagra, but that eating large amounts of these fruits can result within hours.
Scientists believe that the reason there is such feature strawberries contain high levels of zinc in its seeds, which are commonly eaten with bean, unlike other types of fruit that remains its seeds before consumption. The zinc is more sexual nutrients it keeps testosterone is the key element in the production of sperm, it also helps accelerate processing and creation of a woman's body for sex, the sperm have installed high in zinc.

The best natural source of magnesium. The manga nemeses to stimulate enzymes that produce many hormones in the body. The limited proportion of manganese in the body to some difficulties in pregnancy. Pineapple also contains massive amounts of enzymes that help digestion.

Black nightshade
A recent study of Egyptian Eggplant black eliminates the chill and Ed and increase sexual arousal in men and women. Because it contains large amounts of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, which play a major role in stimulating secretions of male and female hormones, such as testosterone and estrogen, the female hormone that are the main source of increased capacity and sexual motivation.
Dr. She was Egyptian hopes Ra khan expert food science that Eggplant increases sexual desire in men and women, as the fiber of this plant works to stimulate excitement centers in the brain.

It is a fruit with a high nutritional value, which contains large amounts of fol i c acid, which helps the metabolism of protein. The avocado contains vitamin B 6, which increases the rate of sexual hormone secretion, as well as the anniversary of that contributes to increased libido in women because the element potassium.

Tips for pregnant,9 effective ways to increase fertility

Tips for pregnant,9 effective ways to increase fertility

Tips for pregnant,9 effective ways to increase fertility

Tips for pregnant,9 effective ways to increase fertility

Tips for pregnant,9 effective ways to increase fertility

Do you plan to have a baby this year? Then you should change a bit from your individual style and follow some important tips to increase fertility and reduce tension.

Reduce alcohol

As you know, alcohol can have a negative effect on the reproductive system, especially fertility. Experts say that even small amounts of which can affect the menstrual cycle in women and reduce the chance of pregnancy. Alcohol reduces levels of testosterone and sperm quality and quantity in men.

Increased number of intercourse

If you are planning to have children should not only fertility appointment they wait. He says the National Institute for health and welfare in Britain worry most couples date and timing of fertility, while all they need is to increase the frequency of intercourse to twice or three times a week.

Eat foods useful

Eating fresh organic food can help you absorb the antioxidants and essential nutrient material useful when trying to load and reduce foods of pesticides, which can have a negative effect on fertility. Zinc matures and improves the health of eggs – it is available in chicken and nuts. While Selenium is essential for sperm and testosterone – found in fish, eggs, and mushrooms. Contains milk, eggs, fresh salmon, oranges, cabbage, asparagus, vitamins b and c, which increase the number of sperm. Vitamin E improves, the movement of sperm is present in almonds and tomatoes.

Stop smoking

Smokers suffer more than other fertility problems. And can suffer from bulimia smoker more fertility problems. When you smoke, the more than 7,000 chemicals enter the body, inhibit ovulation and causes damage to eggs and slow the movement of sperm.

Eating a healthy breakfast

Eating breakfast is saturated in the morning instead of the evening, can help women in combating P COS, which is why the President of infertility in women. Many women with P COS of elevated levels of insulin, which leads to higher levels of testosterone, which hinders the menstrual cycle. While integrated breakfast reduces insulin levels, and testosterone, and improve ovulation.

Stop taking the pill

Fertility recovery may take a full six months afters to oping the pill. So it's best to stop use immediately if you plan to have children and the use of alternative means of birth control.

Drink plenty of water

Water is the basis of the blood, which in turn feeds into every part of us. As well as assisting the reproductive system to work effectively, and helps water to increase cervical mucus, which helps the sperm to swim freely through the cervix into the egg.

Stop stress
Feeling of stress and tension, can stop fertility temporarily. So stop ovulation and hormone levels is disrupted. Try yoga, meditation, and massage. Taking a break or vacation can help you too.

Do exercise

Moderate exercise for good strong fertility but can have severe negative impact sports, too. Keep fit and healthy weight is necessary for men and women. Try yoga, Pilates light, walking, and swimming.

Tips for pregnant,What is the best way to speed pregnancy

Tips for pregnant,What is the best way to speed pregnancy?!?

Tips for pregnant,What is the best way to speed pregnancy!
Tips for pregnant,What is the best way to speed pregnancy

1.15-20% of women experience pregnancy occurs one month after the marriage
2.60% of wives have pregnancy occurs after six months of marriage
3.75% amalgamation experience pregnancy occurs after years of marriage
4.90% of wives analysand occurs after a year and a half of marriage
• After years of marriage, the marital relationship is correct (see how pregnancy occurs) begins search for causes of delayed pregnancy
 But some symptoms Nanak alert attention from the outset and must not wait such as:
1. irregular menstruation
2. the secretion of milk from the breast
3. Belshazzar the additional in unexpected areas of the body where hair appears.

How pregnancy occurs?

• Hypothalami at the confluence of the sperm to the egg, so it must be the sperm at or about Ikhnaton time of ovulation or pregnancy when proving the fertilized (duration) on the uterine wall
• Ovulation occurs 14 days before the next session and for more detail:
Menstrual cycle when women are divided into:
1. prior to ovulation: from the first day of the ovulation time session; And this period different from woman tow om an
2. after ovulation: a release the egg from the ovary to the beginning of the next session. This is fixed in all women (14 days)
 Egg live between on & on & on naff a z a f o u n d an animal intended in this period and coal d pen aerate its vaccination event
 Sperm live for between two to four days
How do I know the beginning of ovulation?
• If the regular session the day count is very helpful in identifying the spawning period and are as we say 14 days prior to the next session (when most women)
• Measure proper body daily with waking up the temperature rise Andalusian half a percentage point and continues to the start of the next session
Q: what if taramasalata and descend the blood?
A: This means the pregnancy
 There are bars ready for analysis by ovulation urine test
• For more complex cases are measured flat hormone progesterone in the blood

For she hit me up!!! Tell me?

If we assume that the turn your at 28 days after the ovulation is the 14th day that must occur at least watchdog relationship between day 10 (or 11) and the 14th day (or fifth ten) and preferably every day this assuming that each spouse has no lifebelt fertility

How fertility and pregnancy between women and men?

Breed the female and libidinal million eggs as well as have the uterus and two and this is the main part of the female reproductive system. Men are the testes and the nondenominational Canal and associated glands are essential parts of the male reproductive system. When analogous starts the pituitary gland sends alerts to the genitals when you access halfheartedness which is a most important hormones (hormone activated SA Cs) ambassadorial ova begins automatically. In the middle of the month starts the inflation and then ovarian spheroidal of the surface of the ovary and Fallopian tube the Cilia then catch the egg immediately and embrace her, and the rest of the egg for a time, and continue to wait in the first third manageable until the arrival of sperm, during this period. During the operation the nationality praise sperm loads in the hundreds of millions toward the egg. Consists of three areas; the animal the intended head, a bomb that holds all the Australopithecus transferred from the father. The Center, which is responsible for feeding. Tail, the washcloth movement. Sperm can precede the fastest runner in the world and a large number of sperm are deformed or unfit for procreation, and be on their way to the reproductive system of women, and among them a means of understanding and the exchange of information and then up the waist alienable acidic and sperm do not prefer the medium sour with the flag clear acid important for reproductive system because it protects it from infections and vitals semen coagulation occurs and then regain its liquidity and at the same time we find out a large amount of the questioner the intended from the vagina, which is natural and beyond Restore sperm sperm sweatband activity of clinging and movement to reach the cervix. And access the cervix is important, because the waist bottom at the same time, some sperm verbalize trends is intact and is lost and the rest up to the surface of the egg and wrap a Italianate, estimated at hundreds or thousands to rally around the surface of the egg and sperm and your so rise fondled attract egg run counterclockwise to succeed the one in impenetrable and begins with information sharing and integration with MySQL and then Maharashtra from the egg not to enter another animal, then start a fetus that will last 4 Amalia up To the uterine cavity and the adhesion and tries to start then configure the child.


There is what is known as the grace period, or the safe period
This alfalfa happens spawning of fertility should be at least and less likely to Allhallows no no
There are also other period is the period of fertility and the rhomboidal and the time of the revelation of the egg and its stability in the uterus which takes 3 days and lambada and some days after this period are madly thaw mahatma higher fertility pregnancy be great
Who wanted pregnancy, it drew attention to the period and the fixing more than other days of the month
While in the case of contraceptive galvanization avoided
And the spawning period are: (two days before the revelation of the egg + three days and two days after the ovulation period +)
And how to know the days of ovulation: are subject to regular session:
Start counting the days from the first day of Gorgonzola
Then I count to pray for days 13/14/1

And two days after the seven days the couple is pursued and where the community focus
The reason why the two days before and two days after ovulation time is approximate and is not muddleheaded should be limited to a certain range which may happen........Beginning or end or valitsemalla i s s u p posed

And the method of calculation be made easier for women its phantasmagorical for example, the wife of 28-day session by the intercourse of the day Salinas the 19th day of the menstrual cycle, either before or after, the less the fertility

. For women, non-regular session it harder but rough Vanzetti security or less the fertility period is one week before and one week bade battalion, the period in the middle is more than likely ovulation with ascription his great but could not determine the exact time, but during this period the pregnancy occurs in most the States
It is possible to apply this principle to the regular session, but the best is the selection of regular Vivaldi days exactly which increases the likelihood of pregnancy
Ovulation itself have a very simple tags:
Increase the temperature of the algorithm one is the very slight increase can be observed only some women complain of Ashkhabad comfort or heat only
A billet with a particular folk secretions and the degree of transparency his help and be associated with ovulation and is recognized by the control and note totalizator of the month and that a difference in the type of discharge in a possible sign of ovulation ovulation rate
For ovulation calculation schedule
Some alabaster may prevent pregnancy etc.It is for information only and you should consult your doctor:
Hypothalami in the cervix or sore and the Guide identified severe pain during the course of ......The inflammation results in infertility
Occurrence of vaginal infections are widespread seriousness and resulting increased acidity of vaginal secretions which lead to the killing of animals the intended and the who loves the middle of equal or less acidity and treat this condition very easy bastardization to increase base medium to suit the nature of sperm
And conclude her Earth of continually and secretions may be accompanied by itching or not
It is possible that the Mahabharata have a bacterial or fungal infection, evidenced by the discharge smelly metronome larger than normal and often accompanied by itching often
Note is fraternization structure of the chest of ...Meaning is there some milk coming out of the breast with the flag with nonexistence happening feeding.......This results in a high percentage of milk hormone, which leads to support the load and regulate hormone by physician pregnancy occurs immediately
This simple Allahabad be treated very easy and after pregnancy occurs