Any of these solutions to choose

Tips to get pregnant,What is masturbation

Tips to get pregnant,What is masturbation

Tips to get pregnant,What is masturbation
Tips to get pregnant,What is masturbation

The concept of wank
Know the secret habit as the male or female to satisfy his sexual desires, and fondling and rubbing the genitals with artificial and subjective way different from that practised by both husband and wife.

Starting masturbation with people frequently after puberty, but there are some cases where beginning in childhood and is fairly low, and may continue the habit of the human to the last age, has interrupted her after his marriage or his ability to control his desires.

Many people as a result of their habit and inability to unload their desires with the right partner, but the danger is that the person becomes addicted to the habit is similar to that of drinking wine, since up to that exercised by the way my vigor and frequency constant, and thus affect the mental and physical health.

Damage wank
Masturbation affect negatively on human health the physical, mental, emotional, and if the exercise lead to dire consequences for the owner, and major damage to the practice:
Wasting time through his thinking to the practice.
Thirst to practice so it becomes human addicted to and difficult to get rid of them.
Waste of mind, memory and human focus her practice.
Influence on the sexual relationship with the other partner.
Impact on human health; making lasting anxiety and fatigue and exhaustion as a result of his habit.
Inherent anxiety and distress to its owner as a result of repeated remorse did.
Lack of access to the pleasure and enjoyment with a partner in natural relationship.
Continue to practice even after marriage.
Access the status of homosexuality to unsatisfied desires whatever partner.
Ways to reduce and get rid of masturbation
Education of parents for their children proper education.
Parents control their children permanently, choosing useful programs that can be seen.
Fill free time by reading books and magazines and exercise.
Stay away from porn and sex movies.
The marriage of could it.
Increase social relations and away from the unit

Tips to get pregnant,What is the treatment for low sperm

Tips to get pregnant,What is the treatment for low sperm

Tips to get pregnant,What is the treatment for low sperm
Tips to get pregnant,What is the treatment for low sperm
What is the treatment for low sperm

God created the first man and is the father of Adam from clay and other humans when breathed into the soul, written on manners to spread their offspring through reproduction and ability to reproduce deposited in organs especially when male and female couple, and by mating bin men and women an orgasm begin first phase divided by the Atomic origins of God with his female or have sexual intercourse or have reminded us of our fruitless was the childless women or men, but there are cases of late pregnancy that occur Between spouses and that does not necessarily mean that there is sterility when one or both spouses, there might be a so-called weak or unfortunate sexual when one of the spouses was a low sperm count or poor and is what we will discuss in this topic, what is the sperm and the sperm is impaired.
Is the male sex cell to man, and is present in the semen of men and not fall into the cell and sperm fertilize an egg in women because semen contains millions of sperm but does not fertilize the egg wall penetration only one sperm quality and sperm motility contribute most in a fertilization and Mole pregnancy and childbearing, as causes of Sub fertility in men is the lack of sperm is a cure, of course, there are men of They have quite a few but very high abnormalities in sperm up in rare cases to defects 100% in some men.

Weak sperm and treatment
Divided body the sperm to the head which contains the enzymes the egg wall hacks if fertilization, the sperm's neck where there are chimerical, as well as the central piece of the body the sperm containing energy kinetic industry Center of the sperm and is a target for, and finally the tail which moves the sperm, and the sperm is either weak activity of sperm or poor configuration of the sperm, and the treatment of weak animals, laboratory diagnosis by examining semen and identify the causes of vulnerability is dynamic, biological As distortions and others, through a treatment by examining testis that serves as a factory for sperm where possibly infected men with a varicolored is resolved either surgically or through endoscopy with a varicolored causes the sperm that affect blood returns As a result of frequent urination in venous varicose veins, and the problem can be solved by getting rid of testicular tumors or infections through surgery, for example.

There are ways to treat low sperm if there is no bug in the posts or organic disease, either through food fortification as a filled honey bee pollen and ginseng and bee pollen, and also treatment for low sperm to stop men from alcohol intake and smoking and of course drugs which are a cause of that sperm in men.

Tips to get pregnant,What are the diseases of testicles

Tips to get pregnant,What are the diseases of testicles

Tips to get pregnant,What are the diseases of testicles
Tips to get pregnant,What are the diseases of testicles

The testicle (Testis): is the caliber of the gonads in male animals, consisting of a group of testicular tubules the sperm, which in turn excrete semen (sperm) of servitor cells in which they are located. The testes in males exist outside the body cavity; and because the testes work best at temperatures lower than the natural temperature of the entire body. Testicular function is the production of the hormone internationalist, and testicle as the rest of the body may experience problems and faulty functions and can be involved in many diseases.

Testicular diseases
Inflammation of the testis and epidermis
This inflammation occurs for several reasons, and can be processed easily, and there is no danger to the person.

Testicular cancer (Testicular Cancer)
This cancer is caused by abnormal growth and proliferation of cancer cells are divided and this cancer if the disease is caught early, the cure rate of testicular cancer would be great. This cancer is a group of symptoms that appear on the patient, including: change in testicular size, become more like an atrophy and feel heavy in the scrotum, and a severe pain in that region.

And centered person reasons of testicular cancer include: due to family history, with most caused by the result of his genetically in family or personal injury may be caused by the inflationary syndrome, is a genetic disease affects males only; losing sperm, and the testicular disorders, testicular cancer is through chemical or: treatment by radiotherapy.

Warp testes (Torsion of testicle)
The case caused testicular war page on the spermatozoa cord, and this leads to a lack of irrigation and nutrition of the testicle, and often be addressed through surgery. Testicular war page can occur in children and adolescents, symptoms of testicular patient war page; so the patient feels no pain in the lower abdomen, and swelling and redness in the testicle, method vomiting and nausea, and in the absence of correct testicular site properly and warp the testicle is treated by excision of the affected testicle.

An expansion of the veins that feed the testicle and the rest of the male genitalia, and is one of the causes of male infertility, a common diseases that infect the testes in males and should address the varicolored immediately; be processed through surgery and clogging, narrowing to dilated veins that feed the testicle.

Tips to get pregnant,How to learn the ability to reproduce

Tips to get pregnant,How to learn the ability to reproduce

Tips to get pregnant,How to learn the ability to reproduce
Tips to get pregnant,How to learn the ability to reproduce

Many questions in our minds, it is among the questions are how do we know we have the ability to reproduce, or not? Many people remain confused by this question, and it seems that it may raise some concern to some people, you could marry, fearing that darkens his partner, although everything is the will of God-the Almighty-and nothing comes without an order from God, but humans can know well do you have the ability to reproduce or not, so we decided on this topic to talk about this question, the answer is clear and transparent and credible; To remove some of the many people who spend a lot of time to think about it, there are some environmental impacts and some customs that are repeated on a daily basis, and may influence the ability of a couple to conceive, there are some effects such as air pollution, excessive smoking or extreme Generally, smoking and other things, which may affect the rate of secretion of hormones in both sexes, and this affects the process of fertilization with the sides, starting we will look for some tips that might help the pregnancy, and are important as important as treatment.

Tips to avoid infertility
For men
Keep the testicles of external heat, so the natural degree degrees Celsius, that is lower than normal body temperature, the heat exposure of the negative things that might damage the testes, and particularly on their ability to produce sperm, we must know that the air temperature does not affect the testicles, but heat directed towards the testicles which may affect the health of sperm, it is advised to many experts and doctors put testicles for cold water three times a day at least, and particularly in Time to relax, you should know that you're sitting in the hot water for a long time affect sperm production.
Pick your clothes very carefully, especially underwear, you should pick clothes of excellent quality which cotton, and you must be loose, not tight; so as not to put pressure on the testicles, and production of sperm.
Avoid smoking, and stay away from drinking alcohol, they dilute the potency of the parties, and affect the testes and sperm directly and indirectly affects the ability of human sexuality as mentioned above, that lead to impotence.
Refrain from ejaculation for a long time, is it increases the rate of sperm in the testicles, and particularly the old sperm any older, and research suggests that sperm are many, but the quality might be bad, and doesn't have the capacity to insemination, so, it is advisable to regulate the intercourse between husband and wife, for example, to have intercourse every three days so that their sperm to be renewed again.
The presence of certain diseases, such as tonsillitis, for example, things that affect sperm production, it is real time necessary for sperm production, approximately 70 to 75 days, when some analysis must not judge the weaknesses of the first result of the medical tests.
There are many medicines that poor sperm production, reduce sperm production, movement, therefore, the advice of your doctor when taking any medication, for example, a blood pressure medication, and these medicines some of which weakens sperm.
Be cautious in the use of herbs as a sexual tonic, and you should see your doctor before taking any herbal medicine as tonic and tonic for sperm; not to conflict with any treatments you have as a doctor.

For women
Women suffering from obesity are overloaded to the extent possible, reduce weight, and is done by a particular diet, to lose weight and regularity, and can do some exercise, which helps stimulate circulation, and this increases the incidence of pregnancy among women.
You must be at least weight significantly, the low weight of very much either because of disease or psychiatric condition that menstrual disruption of work, and subsequent infertility in some women, it happens fast, therefore, you must maintain the ideal weight, natural health, and the preservation of the breed.
Smoking is the most negative things that operate on limited capacity of reproduction of gender, it affects the ability of egg fertilization, particularly women over the age of 35, therefore, it is recommended to stop smoking to maintain health and birth control, especially when you want a women undergo fertilization outside the womb or pipe.
There are some medications that are taken up by some women who suffer from certain diseases such as rheumatism, back pain and other chronic diseases, should consult their doctor before use to avoid any collateral damage, some drugs work to prevent ovulation process properly, and may affect hormones, indirectly, and this may cause your not pregnant.
Hygiene is one of the most important things that you must have her observance of healthier and energy and activity, the genital area clean is very important, in particular to avoid any unpleasant odors may be emitted from the genital areas, and to keep the vagina inflammation that may make the fallopian tube, and this could hinder the process of pregnancy, and you must in the event of any inflammation review physician immediately.

Tips for sex
You must regulate the intercourse, you may have intercourse every 3 days at least, to regenerate sperm.
Not considered a woman's orgasm during intercourse may increase the incidence of pregnancy, it is not necessary for an orgasm to get pregnant.
Is intercourse a day particularly in the fertility increases the possibility of pregnancy, particularly in men who suffer from a shortage of sperm, or suffer from mobility impairments.
You should stay away from psychological pressure as much as possible, work on a specific diet, diversification of food, especially foods that contain essential vitamins and minerals.

The definition of the process of fertilization
Is the Union of the sperm and the egg of the female Union, and is done every month with each menstrual cycle, there are a finite number of eggs ready to be mature, and at most one, is released after the mature and become ready for fertilization, and then cooked the egg inside the bag filled with liquid is inside the egg, and invite due, occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle ovulation, which occurs during an explosion of this bag, and frees up the egg, and then attract For the egg, this is the first part of the cervical canal, called b (Fallopian tube), and then move back inside the uterus, Canal and keep the egg for fertilization for up to 24 hours, if the sperm Canal cervix subsequently entered in the cervix, and then in the cavity of the uterus into the Fallopian tube at the time of fertility, only then may occur from pregnancy or the so-called (fertilization).

Determine the ability to reproduce
A couple in their mid twenties and having sex naturally, the chance of pregnancy have the capacity of a quarter, and your ability to have children you work it came:
You must be well aware that age plays a big role in reproduction, the age of the youngest couple in the mid-twenties, for example, the proportion of pregnancies, and greater say, and must be accelerated to make some necessary tests, particularly when no symptoms so require, and of these symptoms: irregular menstruation in women, emergence of hair in certain areas non-natural women, topic testis in men, and other symptoms that may be a sign of pregnancy does not occur.
You should then do some analysis as a semen analysis among men, and examined after intercourse, and ensure that the process of ovulation correctly, this analysis has several ways for a doctor that checks and treatment, as the rays of the womb, if color is not specified the reason having the initial tests the doctor must resort to other means more complicated, such as endoscopy, Arthroscopic is the diagnostic and therapeutic process at the same time, you can select more bugs.
You must then present you and your wife constantly for treatment when the doctor specialist, because the concern of some couples may resort to them more than a doctor to check further.

Tips to get pregnant,Do you want to load quickly

Tips to get pregnant,Do you want to load quickly

Tips to get pregnant,Do you want to load quickly
Tips to get pregnant,Do you want to load quickly

Do you want to load quickly

Tips to get pregnant,Do you want to load quickly
There is more than one way to quickly load operation occurs which depends on women including women and depends on which depends on the characteristics of the sexual relationship between spouses

Tips for men:

1. for the temperature of the testicles should be equivalent to 2 degrees Celsius lower than normal body temperature because exposure to heat may adversely affect sperm production, so the men of distinction between heat and temperature of testicular lethargically where temperatures do not affect
. Therefore allergen by exposing testes to somewhat cold water two to three times daily for a period of not more than two minutes at a time and in time or before bedtime also can put a bag containing the water cool somewhat over the testicles and men are advised to stay away from exposing the body fully and directly and in high-temperature sources such as planing of a hot bath and exposing the testes to very hot water bath.
Tips to get pregnant,Do you want to load quickly
2. man must take care of the quality of lingerie that is worn, it must be that article cotton clothes and not be made of nylon or wool, and Bali those clothes to be loose and not narrow somewhat as you press shadily, alkalize affect testicular sperm production.

3. If a man who smoked heavily and voracity and consume large quantities of spirits, we asked him to stay away from these habits or mitigate that negatively affect the testicles and affects directly affect livestock production and cause low sperm movement. And also indirectly affects the sexual potency in men and thus lead to impotence. .

4. that no ejaculation for long days could lead to a significant increase in the number of sperm is somewhat older and although tests performed on the semen may indicate high sperm count but the quality might not be good and therefore are not able to start vaccination therefore advised the couple to have intercourse every two to three almost so for sperm rejuvenation.

5. When you hit a man with even a simple illness such as tonsillitis, the presence of inflammation in the body may reduce sperm count when most sperm may need 70 to 74 days for production. The wounded body inflammation may negatively affect the number and capacity of the sperm to do vaccination therefore it is wrong to judge a single analysis result and must be re-analysis to diagnose the error when he followed a treatment by a specialist doctor

6. when direct genital infections and diseases that impact indirectly on the quantity of sperm status and number of animals, so you should see your doctor to treat the worker even if symptoms are not completely clear and Birmingham for men.

7. There are many medications that negatively affect sperm production and movement, the man that he needed any medicine to cure a disease like high blood pressure that takes the doctor to really see if medication affects or not if there is a need to change the medication

8. avoid inhalation of harmful chemicals and must

9. some men use herbs as an effective treatment to increase sperm volume, but it is recommended to inform the doctor about the quality of the herbs used

Tips for women:
1. for women who want to carry, but they suffer from obesity to reduce weight by following the diet (diet) for weight loss and exercise and aerobics which helps to stimulate circulation and increases the rate of pregnancy.

2. low weight due to severe illness or because of the bad traffic leading to interruptions in the menstrual cycle and pregnancy does not occur, so women must increase their weight to normal and not to the point of obesity.

3. on women's fertility process inside or outside the body, stop the practice of smoking in pregnancy.

Tips to get pregnant,How to load quickly

Tips to get pregnant,How to load quickly

Tips to get pregnant,How to load quickly
Tips to get pregnant,How to load quickly

How to load quickly

Better to put the human and if preliminary plans of his marriage so he feels lost and surprise the others had not been planned in advance, and in General, people prefer to have their children early to allow them to reproduce again, Weierstrass raise their children and are in the prime of life.
What determines the speed or delayed?
If the male reproductive system, female reproductive system intact, the best days of sexual communication is since the beginning of the tenth day of the session to the end of the 14th day, this period is the period of ovulation and the egg from the ovaries mature, this is accompanied by pain in the ovaries and swelling and swollen breasts and an increase in vaginal discharge "gunk when the female" and a slight increase in temperature.
Prefer to lie on your back after the sexual contact for at least 30 minutes, preferably not have female genital-to-genital washing with water immediately reduces the chance of pregnancy.
Preferably sexual intercourse between men and women several times Ovulating until pregnancy occurs, and in the end this is God might be delayed and might come in time is planned if it does not take the necessary precautions carefully and accurately.
Does semen little speed pregnancy??
This is not a measure of pregnancy, a smidgen of semen containing sperm and ovum millions General receive only one sperm, so one point of semen may occur in pregnancy, semen contains 300 million to 600 million sperm in. And each of them is a woman Jinn enrichment full and complete the a. This huge figure is in a small part of the seminal fluid in. As it known that semen is divided into 3 sections. .. One is that con trains perm in.
The number of sperm a man produces many factors and may be complex. The most important inherit trance of ... Secondly, physical strength and.In addition to nutrition in adulthood. And also the factors of sexual education and externalizes.. Freedom from injuries in sensitive areas, the climate and the nature of geographic region..And the quality of food. And the amount of irritation felt by during sex.
When shooting a man in a woman's vagina and. ..From sperm to swim to the woman's uterus reverse gravity up. .. Meet the egg to pollinate her. .. If the egg is ready for fertilization is pregnancy.. But if the egg is not ready and not Sontag after the process of fertilization is. ..And you should try again another day. ..If the income of the sperm to the egg that allows him to enter it shuts itself well and not allow the sperm to enter.
Tips to get pregnant,How to load quickly
There are rare cases of pregnancy occur without entering the penis inside the woman, then the egg ready for fertilization at semen on ejaculation near the vaginal opening the goop to help the sperm to swim into women, pregnancy may occur in this way without lead hymen already, here are the sperm swims to the girl's cunt hole out of menstrual blood "cycle.". Then climb into the vagina and. .. Then to the cervix and uterus and meets up with the egg and fertilized by the pregnancy occurs.
If this command without marriage, a young man must bear responsibility for this, and makes the girl faces a painful fate, you might lose her life and the lives of the Jinn, even without having committed a big tallow of Musharraf Al Hiram.
The women of one egg each month breakdowns which means they spawn about 400 eggs during her life, specifically during the period where you reach menopause.
Many people wonder how to load quickly, and many seek to allow them to reproduce again in addition to the education of their children in the prime of life, we say that the best days for married couples have intercourse for conception is the 10th day to the 14th day of the menstrual cycle and because that period is the period of ovulation and the egg from the ovaries mature, he advised the wife to Democritus half an hour on her back after intercourse and preferred to raise old a little too It is not recommended to wash the genital immediately after intercourse with her husband because it may reduce the incidence of pregnancy.

Tips to get pregnant,Ways to help pregnancy

 Tips to get pregnant,Ways to help pregnancy

 Tips to get pregnant,Ways to help pregnancy
 Tips to get pregnant,Ways to help pregnancy

Ways to help pregnancy

A marriage to have children for the continuation of human life, but sometimes may occur some problems faced by spouses and children leading to their grief and concern over the permanent inability of reproduction.

Ancient medicine and the best ways for women to follow her pregnancy to happen quickly, and recent studies confirmed the results of the old medicine, and remembered you in this article how best would prefer to follow the pregnancy occurs.

Ways to help pregnancy
Best practice in intercourse, the women sleep on her back, and the man is above it.
Woman lying on her bed after an hour, and would prefer to raise her knees slightly and her legs, and she quickly.
Intercourse during ovulation and ovulation is when most women in the fourteenth day of the menstrual cycle and intercourse within five days after fourteen days.
Eat some cereal anabolism ovulation such as frolic acid, alkaloid.
Drink some herbs that regulates hormones in the body on a daily basis, such as Marjoram, and discarded, and boiling ring; the herbs strengthen reproductive system when the couple.
Taking Palm pollen, honey, milk, Ginger is very useful in the treatment of sexual problems.
Eating cinnamon three times a day; they increase the size of the egg.
Three tablespoons of Sesame daily.
Good nutrition for both spouses, by eating nuts, honey, vitamins, seeds, ground, flax seed mixed with honey, as men increase their fertility when you eat these foods.
Regular exercise, they contribute significantly to the organizing body, and in General, it is recommended to walk at least three times a week.
Treatment of diseases that require going to the doctor, and examination of the members of the couple, especially after the first year of marriage.

Causes of delayed pregnancy
When women
Weakness of the ovaries.
Irregular cycle.
Poly cystic ovaries.
Weakness of the ovaries.
Blockage of the channels of the uterus.
The presence of fibers inside the uterus.
When men
You can detect when the man after examination of semen, and from these reasons:
There is some sexual diseases.
The lack of sperm, or lack of, or limited movement, i.e.(v l z o j p in the semen)
Drinking alcohol.
Testicular exposure to elevated temperature.

Doctors advise couples who delay pregnancy have to resort to IV and IV, especially if treatment is difficult or if one of the spouses or both senior age.