Any of these solutions to choose

Tips to get pregnant,The fastest way to get pregnant

Tips to get pregnant,The fastest way to get pregnant

Tips to get pregnant,The fastest way to get pregnant
Tips to get pregnant,The fastest way to get pregnant

The fastest way to get pregnant

Motherhood is the greatest secrets of composition of women, and the girl from her childhood and dreamed of the day they become either, and when you grow up and become pregnant, she achieved her dream and feel with her femininity, this innate and natural thing due to the maternal instinct that God in all male and even female animals, and without the passion or the instinct of reproduction of human life continued, and there are some patellae have difficulty in pregnancy , What are the causes of these problems and how can they be treated? What is the fastest way to get pregnant?

 first: way of thinking, it is most important for pregnancy and most influential on him, because thinking is affecting your body and reduces hormonal response to fertilization and pregnancy, and these hormones affecting pregnancy is "estrogen", so the woman wishing to pregnancy to be always thinking positive in pregnancy.

 II: balanced diet, food is important in metabolic processes (processes) in the body, and is important in the formation of hormones, because one of the most important components is the protein, vitamins and minerals are also important for the work of the hormones.

 III: stress, they also affect pregnancy, it affects women's turnout, and this leads to the emergence of harmful substances in the human body that reduce the likelihood of pregnancy.

 IV: weak capacity of male, sometimes there are double that of men, and the weakness may be in sperm count or their mobility or forms, this affects the probability of occurrence, and the man of action necessary tests and address the weaknesses found.

 VA: timing of the pregnancy, the pregnancy and ovulation times times, departure times of the egg from the ovary to the uterus, Fallopian is a place where the sperm and the egg and fertilization, egg and remaining bug is alive in the Fallopian tube and fertilization in 3 days, and these are the best days for intercourse between spouses for conception

 vi: know the days of fertilization, 1. a count: the count from the first day of the menstrual cycle day 14 is the day of ovulation by 99%, and days 12, 13, 15 and 16 are the days of ovulation by 80%

2. sensitive scanner: a device to detect ovulation days.  VII: women's problems, and those problems are the problems of cervical or ovarian or sinusitis, you should disclose when the doctor and address these problems if any.

I wish all the couple want children to get what they want and to bless them with God's righteous children.

Tips to get pregnant,Pregnancy testing and accuracy

Tips to get pregnant,Pregnancy testing and accuracy

Tips to get pregnant,Pregnancy testing and accuracy
Tips to get pregnant,Pregnancy testing and accuracy

All you need to know about pregnancy test accuracy.

Not all pregnancy tests are identical when it comes to accuracy and readability in the hands of the consumer. In fact you can make one out of every 3 women reading the pregnancy tests, such as cards and tapes [i].
What is a pregnancy test should I choose
When do pregnancy test you cannot afford to get wrong, so it is important to choose the test that combines three important factors, can find all Clear blue pregnancy tests:
Accuracy of over 99% of the expected date for the session
Readability of results
How pregnancy tests work
All home pregnancy tests work by detecting pregnancy hormone human chronic namedropping (h CG) in urine. The onset of H CG in the urine be around when a fertilized egg implants in the uterus and thought it involved in agriculture. H CG levels rise rapidly from the early stages of pregnancy (double every 24 hours) and up to the Summit from 8 to 10 weeks.
Clear blue pregnancy tests detect small quantities of h CG in the urine and increase accuracy for 99% of 
the expected date for the session.

Tips to get pregnant,Pregnancy testing and accuracy

Tips to get pregnant,Symptoms of pregnancy

Tips to get pregnant,Symptoms of pregnancy

Tips to get pregnant,Symptoms of pregnancy
Tips to get pregnant,Symptoms of pregnancy

Are absent or late? What needs attention too.

There are many symptoms that can indicate you are pregnant. They differ from woman to woman and pregnancy to another. If you are pregnant, you may notice one or more of the following symptoms. Don't worry, is unlikely to have all the symptoms together.And also you should not worry if you notice any of these symptoms. It is possible to get pregnant without notice any of the signs of pregnancy.
The absence of session
If you have a regular menstrual cycle, this is usually the first sign it. Put in mind you might run a little menstrual blood or some time spots so if you're pregnant, when the fertilized egg implants into your uterus.
If a regular session, you may notice symptoms of pregnancy before you notice the absence of the session.
Other symptoms
Likely to feel fatigue, unusual in the first weeks of pregnancy. This may be due to the high levels of progesterone in the blood so that it keeps the lining of the uterus to help support the pregnancy.
Nausea/morning sickness
You may start to feel nausea and even vomiting, from the second week, until the eighth week of pregnancy. And passes by sixteenth week. Although it is usually referred to as "morning sickness", but it may occur at any time of the day or night-it may even affect you all the time.
Vomiting of pregnancy
A woman can suffer from among 200 women from screens of vomiting of pregnancy. Typically improves after the first three months (12 to 13 weeks), causing vomiting of pregnancy vomiting repeatedly and so severe that it does not keep any food or liquids in the stomach. Often, you can remedy the situation, and in rare cases only cause complications of pregnancy, but please request a doctor's advice if you suffer from severe nausea.

Changes in the breast
Breast size may grow up and be more gentle or more sensitive. Veins in breasts may become more apparent and may become darker nipples more than color.
Go to the bathroom a lot
From 6 to 8 weeks after conception may need to urinate a lot. As your uterus grows and presses on the bladder. During the first three months of the uterus toabdominal rises which will reduce pressure on the bladder.
Change mood
Hormonal changes may cause a change in mood in the early stages of pregnancy could find yourself cry without to know the reason.
Change the taste (urgent desires) and sensitivity to odors
You may actually lose craving things like tea or coffee, fatty foods and you may start your pressing desires in eating things that you normally do. You may feel nauseous when you some scents also-such as coffee or meat or alcohol.
Muscle cramping
You may get the muscle spasms in the legs or feet in the first three months, sometimes it happens later in the pregnancy. Because of changes in the way your body of calcium.
Whether you suffer from any of these symptoms or don't have one at all, the only way to ascertain if you are pregnant or not is a pregnancy test. All of Clear blue pregnancy tests increase accuracy of 99% of the expected date for the session. They deserve credit, fast and easy to use. Feature of Clear blue pregnancy tests are extremely sensitive to the point that it can be used up to 4 days before the expected date of the session.
Unplanned pregnancy
If you have already tested, the result may be that you found out you are pregnant and this is not the desired result. And in any case it is important to be aware of conditions the options available to you. Remember that you are not alone-every day hundreds of women find they face the same situation, with the right advice and support, can you take the appropriate action.
You should talk to your health care professional as soon as possible. Think about booking an appointment with the doctor, and visit a local family planning clinic.

Tips to get pregnant,Understand and explore the options.

Understand and explore the options.

Tips to get pregnant,Understand and explore the options.
Tips to get pregnant,Understand and explore the options.

If you want to know more about what can affect fertility in women and men and the couple together, you will find below some cases or common causes of fertility problems.

What can affect a woman's fertility?

There are three aspects of mistakes can occur and cause difficult pregnancy, but this list is not exhaustive and may not match your profile with one of these categories:
Hormonal problems
The absence of ovulation

Ovulation is controlled by hormones and fertility. So if there is disorder in the hormonal levels you have for whatever reason, it could be ovulation. And the signs of ovulation problems having irregular cycles significantly or the lack of courses. May find that you're ovulation, but not every cycle.
It is possible that hormonal disorder which affects ovulation due to several factors. And include significant changes in weight or stress or exercise or illness. If you see a PEAK (peak) control fertility Clear blue or Clear blue Digital ovulation test with double indicator of hormones, or find out the flow of L H ovulation tests for three consecutive sessions, so it is worth speaking with a health care professional.
Multiple radical hysterectomy in the ovary syndrome (PROS)
Multiple radical hysterectomy in the ovary syndrome implies that women suffer from the presence of many bags on the ovary and hormonal imbalance. Your doctor will be able to test blood diagnosis. Please visit your doctor for more advice. Symptoms may include weight gain, increased hair growth in addition to the problems with trying to conceive.

Castle stage affects the
If the number of days between egg output and start the next cycle very little (less than 10 days), it means that although you may carry, but are expelling the fertilized egg before laying in the lining of the uterus. And you might notice this if you are using test ovulation or control fertility-calculate number of days between the day of peak fertility and the start of the session. Talk to the doctor about it, so the situation may be amenable to treatment.

Early menopause
Once you pray to menopause pregnancy is not possible, in the phase that precedes menopause (per menopause) can be very difficult pregnancy. If your mother menopause early, the chances of that are larger, so try to know when menopause started when your mother. If you have an early menopause, it is worth talking to a healthcare professionals about future plans for pregnancy.

Problems with the Fallopian tubes

May cause blockage in the Fallopian tubes prevent s sperm from reaching the egg.
No treatment of ch la my dial infection
The most common cause of blockage of the Fallopian tubes is left untreated chlamydia infection. Chlamydia is a common type of infections transmitted through sexual intercourse without protection. Some women may not know they are infected with chlamydia infection due to the scarcity of their symptoms. If there is a possibility that you are infected with chlamydia, you go to the doctor for a check.
An abnormal growth of muscle tissue in the uterus that can lead to blockage of the Fallopian tubes or stop a fertilized egg transplant. Please visit your doctor for more advice.
This occurs when the tissue that lines the uterus gr-sows outside the uterus. And may lead to blockage of the Fallopian tube and can prevent fertilization. May cause end optometrist in a difficult courses and/or painful. And can be treated by medication or by removing excess fabric. Your doctor will be able to tell you more.
Tips to get pregnant,Understand and explore the options.

Other considerations
Vaginal dryness is much more common than we think.In a study in 11 States included 6725 woman, 18% of women aged 18 to 34-year-old always or usually suffer from vaginal dryness. This can be exacerbated when "practice intimacy to having a baby while trying to conceive. Some commonly available lubricants are toxic to sperm even saliva as well-so make sure you use lubricant harmless to sperm. Practice of intimacy without protection in the days preceding ovulation, which is necessary for conception. This can be achieved through the practice of intimacy every two days, but many couples do not wish to do so. Therefore, make sure to know your ovulation date and exercise intimate relationship at that time would increase the chances of a normal pregnancy.

What might affect the fertility of men?
These issues are divided into three aspects:
Low sperm count or low sperm quality
If there is a sufficient number of sperm in the semen of men, the chances of sperm to fertilize an egg drop. If the sperm quality is low, you may not be able to access the egg membrane and penetrate to enrichment. Can decrease sperm production if it is to keep the testicles.You can ensure that your partner not to heat the testes largely by wearing loose underwear. You can specify the number and quality of sperm by a simple test you can do when your doctor.
Erectile dysfunction
If a man has a problem with erection or maintaining erections, physical or psychological reasons, they will find it difficult to have sex. And the help available, so visit your doctor.
Other reasons
Other less common causes of male fertility problems men have suffered in the channel that carries sperm from the testes, or because Jenny, or hormonal problems, or other unusual situations. Your doctor will be able to identify these problems through examinations.

What could cause the decline of fertility? 1

Drinking alcoholic beverages
Fertility can be affected when men and women eating large amounts of alcohol. Medical guidance recommends in the United Kingdom with the unit to two units a day for women and three to four units a day for men, whether you are trying to conceive or not. To reduce how much alcohol you eat can help you conceive.
Compared with non-smokers, men smoking have fewer sperm and/or a larger number of deformed sperm. And when women may affect smoking on infertility and early menopause. It also can cause an increased risk of miscarriage and early start of lab our. Smoking is harmful to health of the newborn baby and the best stop smoking before pregnancy.
Should you and your partner try to stop smoking if you're trying to load.
Narcotic drugs
There are several different types of illegal drugs, which are used in the current time has not been good studies about its effect on fertility. Since many medications may cause adverse effects on fetal growth, you have to stop with the drugs/illegal when trying to conceive.
The lack of weight or increase may change the menstrual cycle and reduces your chances of pregnancy. Overweight men cause shortage of sperm count and quality. Visit the doctor or nurse to know the ideal weight for you and to get practical advice on weight increase or decrease if necessary.
If you or your partner dealt with any medication, the doctor realized it will not affect your fertility. There may be alternatives available.
You are welcome to a specific ova stolidity throughout your life and reduces the number gradually over a lifetime. After age 38-40 years rate increases loss as lower quality eggs. If you are aged over 35, it's best to visit a doctor after six months of trying, and if you are over 40 years old, ask for advice from your doctor when you begin trying to conceive. Don't know much about fertility among older men, but believed that fertility is also less at age 40 years, too.
Unexplained infertility
Sometimes the results of laboratory tests are normal, but don't bear after years of trying. This may be a frustrating and very painful because nothing can be rectified or cured must focus. It is estimated that almost a third of women who suffer from unexplained infertility pregnant naturally within three years without any intervention 2.

What is Sub fertility and infertility?

Most of the couples who have tried to conceive for more than two years without success with impaired fertility

Tips to get pregnant,Understand and explore the options.

Tips to get pregnant,What should you do if you want to load more quickly.

What should you do if you want to load more quickly.

Tips to get pregnant,What should you do if you want to load more quickly
Tips to get pregnant,What should you do if you want to load more quickly

There are few days only in each cycle you can get pregnant after having intimacy without protection-this is known as the enrichment. The enrichment of the individual and very natural that different these days in each month. The most important factor to increase chances of pregnancy in each cycle of menstruation is able to identify your enrichment days, even learn the best days to try to have a baby.
Zairian your chances of pregnancy naturally using the latest way home
You are Maine with those who try to load 20 years ago. Using existing technology, you can now measure the hormone levels day-to-day at home easily and accurately. This means that you can expect better days that you can take in advance, so that you're able to plan in advance and the exercise of sexuality in time-you can check your chances of pregnancy naturally.
Clear blue DIGITAL ovulation test
Over 99% accurate in identifying the most days where you are exposed to enrichment *-clear digital results
At each session there will be a few days where women can afford, so the practice of intimacy in these days is very important if you're trying to load. Clear blue Digital ovulation test will help increase your chances of pregnancy naturally by identifying more days you were exposed to enrichment at every turn by measuring changes in the hormone level basic fertility-lutenist hormone (L H). It's more accurate than the ways calendar, temperature and provides visible results on the digital screen.

Two more shows where you are exposed to enrichment. Select more than two days, you are exposed to enrichment, you can be more confident in you trying at time.
Accuracy exceeding 99%. More accurate methods of calendar and temperature forecast over the days of fertilization may occur *
Clear digital results. In a clear digital screen read ING results easier than ever.
Easy to use. The symbol "test wands" distinctive blinks to indicate successful testing of the digital ovulation.

Tips to get pregnant,Statistics from the time of conception

Statistics from the time of conception

Tips to get pregnant,Statistics from the time of conception
Tips to get pregnant,Statistics from the time of conception

If you do not get pregnant right away, it doesn't mean you have a problem. Most healthy pregnant wives during one year of trying to have a baby. So if it took some time, there is nothing to worry about with this.

Age plays a role
Carry one third of wives only during the first month of trying, and if you are under 35 and enjoy good health, it is normal to take up to a year. So if you're trying to load over a year ago, it is recommended to get medical advice. If you're over 35, you can try even only 6 months before getting help. And if you are 40 years old or more, it is recommended to visit a doctor once they decide to try to conceive.
The reason behind the different advice given by age, is that age is an essential factor in the likelihood of pregnancy. Natural fertility for women will begin in the late 1920

Tips to get pregnant,Statistics from the time of conception

s in decline to the fact that it has a small number of eggs is likely to lower quality eggs remaining from what it was when it was less than a lifetime.
After the age of 35, the depletion of ova at a critical level and after the age of 40 years, chances of conception substantially. This is not a normal pregnancy, but the pregnancy by means of help also.
According to the fertility and human embryos, approximately 95% of women age 35 years who engage in intimate regular and without the means to protect pregnant after three years of trying, but when women 
age 38 years happen with 75% of them only.

Tips to get pregnant,Statistics from the time of conception